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Measuring prion propagation in single bacteria elucidates mechanism of loss

Author(s): Jager K; Orozco-Hidalgo MT; Springstein BL; Joly-Smith E; Papazotos F; McDonough E; Fleming E; McCallum G; Hilfinger A; Hochschild A; Potvin ...

Prions are self-propagating protein aggregates formed by specific proteins that can adopt alternative folds. Prions were discovered as the cause of the fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathi ...

Article GUID: 36712035

Measuring prion propagation in single bacteria elucidates a mechanism of loss

Author(s): Jager K; Orozco-Hidalgo MT; Springstein BL; Joly-Smith E; Papazotos F; McDonough E; Fleming E; McCallum G; Yuan AH; Hilfinger A; Hochschild ...

Prions are self-propagating protein aggregates formed by specific proteins that can adopt alternative folds. Prions were discovered as the cause of the fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathi ...

Article GUID: 37738299

Microfluidics for long-term single-cell time-lapse microscopy: Advances and applications

Author(s): Allard P; Papazotos F; Potvin-Trottier L;

Cells are inherently dynamic, whether they are responding to environmental conditions or simply at equilibrium, with biomolecules constantly being made and destroyed. Due to their small volumes, the chemical reactions inside cells are stochastic, such that ...

Article GUID: 36312536

Using Models to (Re-)Design Synthetic Circuits.

Author(s): McCallum G, Potvin-Trottier L

Mathematical models play an important role in the design of synthetic gene circuits, by guiding the choice of biological components and their assembly into novel gene networks. Here, we present a guide for biologists to build and utilize models of gene netw ...

Article GUID: 33405217

Isolating live cells after high-throughput, long-term, time-lapse microscopy.

Author(s): Luro S, Potvin-Trottier L, Okumus B, Paulsson J

Nat Methods. 2019 Nov 25;: Authors: Luro S, Potvin-Trottier L, Okumus B, Paulsson J

Article GUID: 31768062

Bacterial variability in the mammalian gut captured by a single-cell synthetic oscillator.

Author(s): Riglar DT, Richmond DL, Potvin-Trottier L, Verdegaal AA, Naydich AD, Bakshi S, Leoncini E, Lyon LG, Paulsson J, Silver PA

Nat Commun. 2019 Oct 11;10(1):4665 Authors: Riglar DT, Richmond DL, Potvin-Trottier L, Verdegaal AA, Naydich AD, Bakshi S, Leoncini E, Lyon LG, Paulsson J, Silver PA

Article GUID: 31604953

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