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The Rescorla-Wagner Model: It Is Not What You Think It Is

Author(s): Esber G; Schoenbaum G; Iordanova MD;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39805526

OFC neurons do not represent the negative value of a conditioned inhibitor

Author(s): Esber GR; Usypchuk A; Saini S; Deroche M; Iordanova MD; Schoenbaum G;

The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is often proposed to function as a value integrator; however, alternative accounts focus on its role in representing associative structures that specify the probability and sensory identity of future outcomes. These two accounts make different predictions about how this area should respond to conditioned inhibitors of reward ...

Article GUID: 38042330

Calcium activity is a degraded estimate of spikes

Author(s): Hart EE; Gardner MPH; Panayi MC; Kahnt T; Schoenbaum G;

Recording action potentials extracellularly during behavior has led to fundamental discoveries regarding neural function-hippocampal neurons respond to locations in space,1 motor cortex neurons encode movement direction,2 and dopamine neurons signal reward prediction errors3-observations undergirding current theories of cognition,4 movement,5 and learning ...

Article GUID: 36368324

Anterior cingulate neurons signal neutral cue pairings during sensory preconditioning

Author(s): Hart EE; Gardner MPH; Schoenbaum G;

Of all frontocortical subregions, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has perhaps the most overlapping theories of function.1-3 Recording studies in rats, humans, and other primates have reported diverse neural responses that support many theories,4-12 yet nearly all these studies have in common tasks in which one event reliably predicts another. This lea ...

Article GUID: 34936884

Causal evidence supporting the proposal that dopamine transients function as temporal difference prediction errors.

Author(s): Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD

Nat Neurosci. 2020 Jan 20;: Authors: Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD

Article GUID: 31959935

Neural correlates of two different types of extinction learning in the amygdala central nucleus.

Author(s): Iordanova MD, Deroche ML, Esber GR, Schoenbaum G

Nat Commun. 2016 08 17;7:12330 Authors: Iordanova MD, Deroche ML, Esber GR, Schoenbaum G

Article GUID: 27531638

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