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Long-lasting antimicrobial effect of multipurpose ZnO nanoparticle-loaded dental resins enhanced by blue light photodynamic therapy

Author(s): Leite ML; Comeau P; Zaghwan A; Shen Y; Manso AP;

Objectives: This study aimed to assess the potential of experimental dental resins containing ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as a functional tool for the modulation of cariogenic biofilm in long-term. Methods: Minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC/MBC) of ZnO-NPs against Streptococcus mutans we ...

Article GUID: 39765362

Hybrid multi-mode machine learning-based fault diagnosis strategies with application to aircraft gas turbine engines.

Author(s): Shen Y, Khorasani K

Neural Netw. 2020 Jul 08;130:126-142 Authors: Shen Y, Khorasani K

Article GUID: 32673847

Effects of a recombinant fibrolytic enzyme on fiber digestion, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen balance and total tract digestibility of heifers fed a high forage diet.

Author(s): Ran T, Saleem AM, Shen Y, Ribeiro GO, Beauchemin KA, Tsang A, Yang W, McAllister TA

Effects of a recombinant fibrolytic enzyme on fiber digestion, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen balance and total tract digestibility of heifers fed a high forage diet.
J Anim Sci. 2019 Jun 28;:
Authors: Ran T, Saleem AM, Shen Y, Ribeiro GO, Beauchemin KA, Tsang A, Yang W, McAllister TA
A metabolism study was conducted using 8 rumin ...

Article GUID: 31251799

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