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International interlaboratory study to normalize liquid chromatography-based mycotoxin retention times through implementation of a retention index system

Author(s): Kelman MJ; Renaud JB; McCarron P; Hoogstra S; Chow W; Wang J; Varga E; Patriarca A; Vaya AM; Visintin L; Nguyen T; De Boevre M; De Saeger S; Karanghat V; Vuckovic D; McMullin DR; Dall' Asta C; Ayeni K; Warth B; Huang M; Tittlemier S ...

Monitoring for mycotoxins in food or feed matrices is necessary to ensure the safety and security of global food systems. Due to a lack of standardized methods and individual laboratory priorities, most institutions have developed their own methods for mycotoxin determinations. Given the diversit ...

Article GUID: 39913989

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