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Automated abdominal aortic calcification and major adverse cardiovascular events in people undergoing osteoporosis screening: the Manitoba Bone Mineral Density Registry

Author(s): Smith C; Sim M; Ilyas Z; Gilani SZ; Suter D; Reid S; Monchka BA; Jozani MJ; Figtree G; Schousboe JT; Lewis JR; Leslie WD;

Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) images from bone density machines enable the automated machine learning assessment of abdominal aortic calcification (ML-AAC), a marker of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. The objective of this study was to describe the risk of a major adverse cardiovascular ...

Article GUID: 39749990

Simultaneous automated ascertainment of prevalent vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification in clinical practice: role in fracture risk assessment

Author(s): Schousboe JT; Lewis JR; Monchka BA; Reid SB; Davidson MJ; Kimelman D; Jozani MJ; Smith C; Sim M; Gilani SZ; Suter D; Leslie WD;

Whether simultaneous automated ascertainments of prevalent vertebral fracture (auto-PVFx) and abdominal aortic calcification (auto-AAC) on vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) lateral spine bone density (BMD) images jointly predict incident fractures in routine clinical practice is unclear. We est ...

Article GUID: 38699950

Sonification as a reliable alternative to conventional visual surgical navigation

Author(s): Matinfar S; Salehi M; Suter D; Seibold M; Dehghani S; Navab N; Wanivenhaus F; Fürnstahl P; Farshad M; Navab N;

Despite the undeniable advantages of image-guided surgical assistance systems in terms of accuracy, such systems have not yet fully met surgeons' needs or expectations regarding usability, time efficiency, and their integration into the surgical workflow. On the other hand, perceptual studies ...

Article GUID: 37045878

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