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Defects in meiosis I contribute to the genesis of androgenetic hydatidiform moles

Author(s): Rezaei M; Liang M; Yalcin Z; Martin JH; Kazemi P; Bareke E; Ge ZJ; Fardaei M; Benadiva C; Hemida R; Hassan A; Maher GJ; Abdalla E; Buckett W; Bolze PA; Sandhu I; Duman O; Agrawal S; Qian J; Vallian Broojeni J; Bhati L; Miron P; Allias F; ...

To identify novel genes responsible for recurrent hydatidiform moles (HMs), we performed exome sequencing on 75 unrelated patients who were negative for mutations in the known genes. We identified biallelic deleterious variants in 6 genes, FOXL2, MAJIN, KASH5, SYCP2, MEIOB, and HFM1, in patients ...

Article GUID: 39545410

Canadian Spine Society: 24th Annual Scientific Conference, Wednesday, February 28 - Saturday, March 2, Fairmont Chateau Whistler, Whistler, B.C., Canada

Author(s): Dionne A; Al-Zakri M; Labelle H; Joncas J; Parent S; Mac-Thiong JM; Miyanji F; Lonner B; Eren A; Cahill P; Parent S; Newton P; Dermott JA; Jaakkimainen L; To T; Bouchard M; Howard A; Lebel DE; Hardy S; Malhotra AK; Dermott J; Thevarajah D; Mathias KDA; Yoon S; Sakhrekar R; Lebel DE; Kim DJ; Hadi ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39537311

Parvalbumin interneuron loss mediates repeated anesthesia-induced memory deficits in mice

Author(s): Roque PS; Thörn Perez C; Hooshmandi M; Wong C; Eslamizade MJ; Heshmati S; Brown N; Sharma V; Lister KC; Goyon VM; Neagu-Lund L; Shen C; Daccache N; Sato H; Sato T; Mogil JS; Nader K; Gkogkas CG; Iordanova MD; Prager-Khoutorsky M; McBride ...

Repeated or prolonged, but not short-term, general anesthesia during the early postnatal period causes long-lasting impairments in memory formation in various species. The mechanisms underlying long-lasting impairment in cognitive function are poorly understood. Here, we show that repeated genera ...

Article GUID: 36394958

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