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Author Correction: Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Dung Ngo H; Sengupta A; Breesch H; Heijmans N; Deltour J; Kubo ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39814748

Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Du ...

We present unprecedented datasets of current and future projected weather files for building simulations in 15 major cities distributed across 10 climate zones worldwide. The datasets include ambient air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, direct and diffuse solar irradiance, an ...

Article GUID: 38782916

Development of a Bayesian inference model for assessing ventilation condition based on CO2 meters in primary schools

Author(s): Hou D; Wang LL; Katal A; Yan S; Zhou LG; Wang V; Vuotari M; Li E; Xie Z;

Outdoor fresh air ventilation plays a significant role in reducing airborne transmission of diseases in indoor spaces. School classrooms are considerably challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the increasing need for in-person education, untimely and incompleted vaccinations, high occupancy density, and uncertain ventilation conditions. Many s ...

Article GUID: 36035815

Evaluating SARS-CoV-2 airborne quanta transmission and exposure risk in a mechanically ventilated multizone office building

Author(s): Yan S; Wang LL; Birnkrant MJ; Zhai J; Miller SL;

The world has faced tremendous challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, and effective clean air strategies that mitigate infectious risks indoors have become more essential. In this study, a novel approach based on the Wells-Riley model applied to a multizone building was proposed to simulate exposure to infectious doses in terms of "quanta". T ...

Article GUID: 35602249

Indoor thermal stratification and its statistical distribution.

Author(s): Wang LL, Zhang X, Qi D

Indoor Air. 2019 Mar;29(2):347-363 Authors: Wang LL, Zhang X, Qi D

Article GUID: 30427070

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