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Elucidating the size distribution of p‑Phenylenediamine-Derived quinones in atmospheric particles

Author(s): Xia K; Qin M; Han M; Zhang X; Wu X; Liu M; Liu S; Wang X; Liu W; Xie Z; Yuan R; Liu Q;

Transformed from p-phenylenediamines (PPDs) antioxidant, PPD-derived quinones (PPD-Qs) have recently been recognized as emerging contaminants due to their potential negative impacts on the environment and human health. While there have been measurements of airborne PPD-Qs, the size distribution of PPD-Qs and the impact of particle size on PPD transformati ...

Article GUID: 39978217

Exploring global oceanic persistence and ecological effects of legacy persistent organic pollutants across five decades

Author(s): Zhang X; Li L; Xie Z; Ma J; Li YF; Cai M; Ren NQ; Kallenborn R; Zhang ZF; Zhang X; C G Muir D;

Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has intensified following regulatory efforts aimed at reducing their release. In this context, we compiled over 10,000 POP measurements, reported from 1980 to 2023, to assess the effectiveness of these legislative measures in the global ma ...

Article GUID: 39321284

Development of a Bayesian inference model for assessing ventilation condition based on CO2 meters in primary schools

Author(s): Hou D; Wang LL; Katal A; Yan S; Zhou LG; Wang V; Vuotari M; Li E; Xie Z;

Outdoor fresh air ventilation plays a significant role in reducing airborne transmission of diseases in indoor spaces. School classrooms are considerably challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the increasing need for in-person education, untimely and incompleted vaccinations, high occupancy density, and uncertain ventilation conditions. Many s ...

Article GUID: 36035815

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