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Author Correction: Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Dung Ngo H; Sengupta A; Breesch H; Heijmans N; Deltour J; Kubo ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39814748

Sphingolipids containing very long-chain fatty acids regulate Ypt7 function during the tethering stage of vacuole fusion

Author(s): Zhang C; Calderin JD; Hurst LR; Gokbayrak ZD; Hrabak MR; Balutowski A; Rivera-Kohr DA; Kazmirchuk TDD; Brett CL; Fratti RA;

Sphingolipids are essential in membrane trafficking and cellular homeostasis. Here, we show that sphingolipids containing very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) promote homotypic vacuolar fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The elongase Elo3 adds the last two carbons to VLCFAs that are incorporated ...

Article GUID: 39307308

Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Du ...

We present unprecedented datasets of current and future projected weather files for building simulations in 15 major cities distributed across 10 climate zones worldwide. The datasets include ambient air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, direct and diffuse solar irradiance, an ...

Article GUID: 38782916

Nonsingleton Gaussian type-3 fuzzy system with fractional order NTSMC for path tracking of autonomous cars

Author(s): Taghavifar H; Mohammadzadeh A; Zhang W; Zhang C;

Path-tracking and lane-keeping tasks are critical to guarantee safety and navigation performance considerations for deploying autonomous cars. This paper presents a novel control framework for the path-tracking control of high-speed autonomous cars with structured uncertainties. This study introduces a nonlinear adaptive control system based on a fraction ...

Article GUID: 38160078

Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America but increased in Europe and Asia.

Author(s): Zohner CM, Mo L, Renner SS, Svenning JC, Vitasse Y, Benito BM, Ordonez A, Baumgarten F, Bastin JF, Sebald V, Reich PB, Liang J, Nabuurs GJ, de-Miguel S, Alberti G, Antón-Fernández C, Balazy R, Brändli UB, Chen HYH, Chisholm C, Cienciala ...

Late-spring frosts (LSFs) affect the performance of plants and animals across the world's temperate and boreal zones, but despite their ecological and economic impact on agriculture and forestry, the geographic distribution and evolutionary impact of these frost events are poorly understood. ...

Article GUID: 32393624

A combined heterotrophic and sulfur-based autotrophic process to reduce high concentration perchlorate via anaerobic baffled reactors: Performance advantages of a step-feeding strategy.

Author(s): Li K, Guo J, Li H, Han Y, Chen Z, Song Y, Xing Y, Zhang C

Bioresour Technol. 2019 May;279:297-306 Authors: Li K, Guo J, Li H, Han Y, Chen Z, Song Y, Xing Y, Zhang C

Article GUID: 30738356

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