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Platform capitalisms and platform cultures

Author(s): Steinberg M; Zhang L; Mukherjee R;

This article argues for a pluralization of the "platform capitalism" framework, suggesting we should think instead in terms of "platform capitalisms." This pluralization opens the way to a better account of how platforms work in different geocultural contexts, with our focus being on China, India and Japan. The article first outlines several roles the sta ...

Article GUID: 39759402

Reduction of Cr(VI) by Bacillus toyonensis LBA36 and its effect on radish seedlings under Cr(VI) stress

Author(s): Tan A; Wang H; Zhang H; Zhang L; Yao H; Chen Z;

Chromium, being among the most toxic heavy metals, continues to demand immediate attention in the remediation of Cr-contaminated environments. In this study, a strain of LBA36 (Bacillus toyonensis) was isolated from heavy metal contaminated soil in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, China. The reduction and adsorption rates of LBA36 in 30 mg·L-1 Cr-containin ...

Article GUID: 39346031

Natural history of TANGO2 deficiency disorder: Baseline assessment of 73 patients

Author(s): Miyake CY; Lay EJ; Soler-Alfonso C; Glinton KE; Houck KM; Tosur M; Moran NE; Stephens SB; Scaglia F; Howard TS; Kim JJ; Pham TD; Valdes SO; Li N; Murali CN; Zhang L; Kava M; Yim D; Beach C; Webster G; Liberman L; Janson CM; Kannankeril P ...

Purpose: TANGO2 deficiency disorder (TDD), an autosomal recessive disease first reported in 2016, is characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, seizures, intermittent ataxia, hypothyroidism, and life-threatening metabolic and cardiac crises. The purpose of this study was to defin ...

Article GUID: 36473599

Substituent effects in the absorption spectra of phenol radical species: origin of the redshift caused by 3,5-dimethoxyl substitution

Author(s): Zhang L; Muchall HM; Peslherbe GH;

The ground-state equilibrium geometries, electronic structures and vertical excitation energies of methyl- and methoxyl-substituted phenol radical cations and phenoxyl radicals have been investigated using time-dependent density-functional theory (namely TD-B3LYP) and complete-active-space second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2). The "anomalous" large r ...

Article GUID: 23216064

Inoculation of chromium-tolerant bacterium LBA108 to enhance resistance in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and combined remediation of chromium-contaminated soil

Author(s): Zhang H; Wang H; Tan A; Zhang L; Yao H; You X; Chen Z;

Cr(VI) has been a carcinogen for organisms and a hazard to human health throughout the food chain. To explore a cost-effective and efficient method for removing Cr(VI), a Cr-resistant strain named LBA108 was isolated from the soil of a molybdenum-lead mining area. It was identified as Microbacterium through biochemical tests and 16S rDNA sequence analysis ...

Article GUID: 38721825

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