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A scoping review of harm reduction practices and possibilities among indigenous populations in Australia, Canada, and the United States

Author(s): Zolopa C; Clifasefi SL; Dobischok S; Gala N; Fraser-Purdy H; Phillips MK; Blackmore S; Wendt DC;

Background: There is a great diversity of traditions, practices, and experiences among the Indigenous Peoples of North America and Oceania. However, Indigenous Peoples across these regions are affected by the historical and ongoing violence of settler colonialism, resulting in disproportionately ...

Article GUID: 39970577

Changes in Youth Mental Health, Psychological Wellbeing, and Substance Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Review

Author(s): Zolopa C; Burack JA; O' Connor RM; Corran C; Lai J; Bomfim E; DeGrace S; Dumont J; Larney S; Wendt DC;

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers around the world have made efforts to assess its impact on youth mental health; however, the breadth of this topic has impeded a clear assessment of pandemic outcomes. This study aimed to address this gap by reviewing changes in youth (age = 2 ...

Article GUID: 35252542

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