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Reappraising beliefs about losing control: An experimental investigation

Author(s): Fridgen CPEA; Radomsky AS;

Background and objectives: Beliefs about losing control over one's thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and/or bodily functions have been shown to cause obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The cognitive model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suggests that catastrophic misappraisals of intrusions will lessen if underlying maladaptive beliefs are effectivel ...

Article GUID: 39837217

Further analyses of appraisals of losing control and other OCD-related cognitions: A quasi-experimental investigation

Author(s): Sandstrom A; Radomsky AS;

Background and objectives: Cognitive models of OCD posit that dysfunctional beliefs contribute to the maintenance of symptoms. In addition to well-established belief domains, beliefs about losing control has been identified as a novel cognitive domain which may influence OCD phenomena, including other dysfunctional beliefs. However, the exact nature of th ...

Article GUID: 39626976

Update and validation of the Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory-II (BALCI-II): a psychometric investigation

Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

The Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory (BALCI) was developed to assess negative beliefs about losing control in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since its creation, research and theoretical work support negative beliefs about losing control as a potential transdiagnostic construct. The present study revised and expanded the original BALCI to be mo ...

Article GUID: 39373713

Beliefs about losing control and other OCD-related cognitions: An experimental investigation

Author(s): Sandstrom A; Radomsky AS;

Background and objectives: Cognitive theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suggest that dysfunctional beliefs influence symptoms. However, well-established belief domains do not fully explain OCD symptomatology, suggesting other cognitive mechanisms may be involved. An additional belief domain which may play a role in OCD is beliefs about losing ...

Article GUID: 37948951

Weight bias internalization and beliefs about the causes of obesity among the Canadian public

Author(s): Vida Forouhar

CONCLUSIONS: Weight bias internalization is prevalent among Canadians across all body weight statuses, and the public endorses behavioural causes of obesity, namely physical inactivity and overeating, more than its other causes. Findings warrant the reinforcement of efforts aimed at mitigating weight bias by educating the public about the complexity of ob ...

Article GUID: 37620795

Always Saying the Wrong Thing: Negative Beliefs About Losing Control Cause Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

Background: Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) often report a fear that they will lose control of their emotions or report intense, unpleasant thoughts or images of uncontrollably humiliating themselves in social situations. These fears and associated beliefs that one is likely to lose control may underlie the anxiety and/or cognitive biases ( ...

Article GUID: 36117751

The fear of losing control

Author(s): Adam S Radomsky

Although a great deal of research has focused on various aspects of control and their relations to psychopathology, new insights and therapeutic potential could be revealed through an examination and perhaps emphasis on fears of losing control. Although elements of control-related beliefs and phenomena have been highlighted in association with obsessive-c ...

Article GUID: 36113905

Group-based trajectories and predictors of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): MacNeil S; Deschênes S; Knäuper B; Carrese-Chacra E; Dialahy IZ; Suh S; Durif F; Gouin JP;

bjective: This study sought to identify psychosocial predictors of trajectories of adherence to physical distancing alongside changes in public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design: A three-time point longitudinal survey during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods ...

Article GUID: 34951559

Development and validation of the multidimensional version of the Fear of Self Questionnaire: Corrupted, culpable and malformed feared possible selves in obsessive-compulsive and body-dysmorphic symptoms.

Author(s): Aardema F, Radomsky AS, Moulding R, Wong SF, Bourguignon L, Giraldo-O'Meara M

In recent years, cognitive-behavioural models of OCD have increasingly recognized the potential role of feared possible selves in the development and maintenance of OCD, while simultaneously re-examining factors that have historically been linked to self-perceptions in OCD. The current article describes the development and validation of a multidimensional ...

Article GUID: 33547834

Socio-demographic, social, cognitive, and emotional correlates of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S, Switzer A, Carrese-Chacra E, Durif F, Knäuper B

OBJECTIVES: In order for physical distancing directives to be effective at lowering and flattening the epidemic peak during a pandemic, individuals must adhere to confinement guidelines. Recent reviews highlight the paucity of research on empirical correlates of adherence to physical distancing and quarantine directives. METHODS: In this cross-sectional s ...

Article GUID: 33464556

Beliefs about losing control, obsessions, and caution: An experimental investigation.

Author(s): Gagné JP, Radomsky AS

Behav Res Ther. 2020 Jan 30;126:103574 Authors: Gagné JP, Radomsky AS

Article GUID: 32045733

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