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Sleep spindles and slow oscillations predict cognition and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;

Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Using data from a prospective cohort of mild to moderate AD (n = 60), we analyzed non-rapid eye moveme ...

Article GUID: 39878233

A multimodal neuroimaging study of youth at risk for substance use disorders: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and [18F]fallypride positron emission tomography

Author(s): Nikolic M; Cox SML; Jaworska N; Castellanos-Ryan N; Dagher A; Vitaro F; Brendgen M; Parent S; Boivin M; Côté S; Tremblay RE; Séguin JR; Leyton M;

Background: Adolescent alcohol use is the norm, but only some develop a substance use disorder. The increased risk might reflect heightened mesocorticolimbic responses to reward-related cues but results published to date have been inconsistent. Methods: Young social drinkers (age 18.5 ± 0.6 y.o. ...

Article GUID: 39725679

Isotopic and molecular analyses of n-alkanes in a temporal study of coastal sediment contributions to organic carbon degradation induced by algal bloom and terrestrial runoff

Author(s): Mirzaei Y; Douglas PMJ; Gélinas Y;

The priming effect (PE) refers to the enhanced remineralization of recalcitrant organic carbon (OC) driven by the respiration of labile OC, potentially increasing CO2 fluxes from aquatic ecosystems. Patterns of PE induced by marine and terrestrial OC inputs can be explored through sedimentary contributions to the degraded OC pool. In this study, coastal s ...

Article GUID: 39700996

Alzheimer's early detection in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: a systematic review and expert consensus on preclinical assessments

Author(s): Vandersteen C; Plonka A; Manera V; Sawchuk K; Lafontaine C; Galery K; Rouaud O; Bengaied N; Launay C; Guérin O; Robert P; Allali G; Beauchet O; Gros A;

Introduction: The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in older adults increasingly is being discussed in the literature on Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS). Remote digital Assessments for Preclinical AD (RAPAs) are becoming more important in screening for early AD, and should alway ...

Article GUID: 37416323

New metabolic signature for Chagas disease reveals sex steroid perturbation in humans and mice

Author(s): Golizeh M; Nam J; Chatelain E; Jackson Y; Ohlund LB; Rasoolizadeh A; Camargo FV; Mahrouche L; Furtos A; Sleno L; Ndao M;

The causative agent of Chagas disease (CD), Trypanosoma cruzi, claims thousands of lives each year. Current diagnostic tools are insufficient to ensure parasitological detection in chronically infected patients has been achieved. A host-derived metabolic signature able to distinguish CD patients ...

Article GUID: 36590505

Defective GaAs nanoribbon-based biosensor for lung cancer biomarkers: a DFT study

Author(s): Tarun T; Singh P; Kaur H; Walia GK; Randhawa DKK; Choudhary BC;

Density functional theory-based first-principles investigation is performed on pristine and mono vacancy induced GaAs nanoribbons to detect the presence of three volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aniline, isoprene and o-toluidine, which will aid in sensing lung cancer. The study has shown that pristine nanoribbon senses all three analytes. For the pristi ...

Article GUID: 34459994

Tools and Techniques for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)/COVID-19 Detection

Author(s): Safiabadi Tali SH; LeBlanc JJ; Sadiq Z; Oyewunmi OD; Camargo C; Nikpour B; Armanfard N; Sagan SM; Jahanshahi-Anbuhi S;

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has led to millions of confirmed cases and deaths worldwide. Efficient diagnostic tools are in high demand, as rapid and large-scale testing plays a pivotal role in patient man ...

Article GUID: 33980687

Gait variability across neurodegenerative and cognitive disorders: Results from the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) and the Gait and Brain Study.

Author(s): Pieruccini-Faria F, Black SE, Masellis M, Smith EE, Almeida QJ, Li KZH, Bherer L, Camicioli R, Montero-Odasso M

INTRODUCTION: Gait impairment is common in neurodegenerative disorders. Specifically, gait variability-the stride-to-stride fluctuations in distance and time-has been associated with neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment. However, quantitative comparisons of gait impairments across the cogni ...

Article GUID: 33590967

Methodological and clinical challenges associated with biomarkers for psychiatric disease: A scoping review.

Author(s): Kirkpatrick RH; Munoz DP; Khalid-Khan S; Booij L;

Over the past decade, psychiatric research has been on an important hunt for biomarkers of psychiatric disease. In psychiatry, the term "biomarker" is a broad umbrella term used to identify any biological variable that can be objectively measured and applied to a diagnosis; this includes genetic and epigenetic assessments, hormone levels, measures of neur ...

Article GUID: 33221025

CCCDTD5 recommendations on early non cognitive markers of dementia: A Canadian consensus

Author(s): Montero-Odasso M; Pieruccini-Faria F; Ismail Z; Li K; Lim A; Phillips N; Kamkar N; Sarquis-Adamson Y; Speechley M; Theou O; Verghese J; Wallace L; Camicioli R;

Introduction: Cognitive impairment is the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias. However, motor decline has been recently described as a prodromal state that can help to detect at-risk individuals. Similarly, sensory changes, sleep and behavior disturbances, and frailty h ...

Article GUID: 33094146

Evidence of a Relation Between Hippocampal Volume, White Matter Hyperintensities, and Cognition in Subjective Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Author(s): Caillaud M; Hudon C; Boller B; Brambati S; Duchesne S; Lorrain D; Gagnon JF; Maltezos S; Mellah S; Phillips N; Belleville S;

Objective: The concepts of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD) have been proposed to identify individuals in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD), or other neurodegenerative diseases. One approach to validate these concepts is to investigate the rela ...

Article GUID: 31758692

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