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Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia mechanism of action: Exploring the homeostatic K-complex involvement

Author(s): Sforza M; Morin CM; Dang-Vu TT; Pomares FB; Perrault AA; Gouin JP; Bušková J; Janku K; Vgontzas A; Fernandez-Mendoza J; Bastien CH; Riemann D; Baglioni C; Carollo G; Casoni F; Zucconi M; Castronovo V; Galbiati A; Ferini-Strambi L;

Investigating the mechanisms of action of cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia disorder (ID), can contribute to the overall understanding of insomnia and its treatment. To date, no study has examined the relationship between K-complexes ...

Article GUID: 39739397

A Pilot Randomized Trial of Combined Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Exercise Training Versus Exercise Training Alone for the Management of Chronic Insomnia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Author(s): Cammalleri A; Perrault AA; Hillcoat A; Carrese-Chacra E; Tarelli L; Patel R; Baltzan M; Chouchou F; Dang-Vu TT; Gouin JP; Pepin V;

Insomnia treatment among individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea is suboptimal. In a pilot randomized controlled trial, 19 individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea were allocated to one of two arms: EX + EX, consisting of two 8-week phases of exercise ...

Article GUID: 38663849

The fear of losing control

Author(s): Adam S Radomsky

Although a great deal of research has focused on various aspects of control and their relations to psychopathology, new insights and therapeutic potential could be revealed through an examination and perhaps emphasis on fears of losing control. Although elements of control-related beliefs and phenomena have been highlighted in association with obsessive-c ...

Article GUID: 36113905

Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on subjective and objective measures of sleep and cognition

Author(s): Perrault AA; Pomares FB; Smith D; Cross NE; Gong K; Maltezos A; McCarthy M; Madigan E; Tarelli L; McGrath JJ; Savard J; Schwartz S; Gouin JP; Dang-Vu TT;

Study objectives: To assess the effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) on subjective and objective measures of sleep, sleep-state misperception and cognitive performance. Methods: We performed a randomized-controlled trial with a treatment group and a wait-list control group ...

Article GUID: 35691208

What do you really need? Self- and partner-reported intervention preferences within cognitive behavioural therapy for reassurance seeking behaviour.

Author(s): Neal RL, Radomsky AS

Behav Cogn Psychother. 2019 Sep 09;:1-13 Authors: Neal RL, Radomsky AS

Article GUID: 31495351

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