Author(s): Murphy A; Elbarazi I; Horen N; Ismail-Allouche Z; Long T; McNeill A; Arafat C; England D;
Background: An increasing body of evidence highlights the utility of examining adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) utilizing person-centered analytical approaches, particularly for understanding the organization and co-occurrence of ACEs, and their contributions to risk, vulnerability, and the development of intervention efforts. Methods: In the first s ...
Article GUID: 40001056
Author(s): Teel E; Brossard-Racine M; Corbin-Berrigan LA; Gagnon I;
Objective: To determine if performance on symptom, cognitive, balance, fatigue, physical activity, and quality of life outcomes at 4-weeks post-injury in children with concussion differs based on acute 5P risk classification. Design: Prospective cohort. Setting: Laboratory. Patients: Sixty-two children (age: 13.27 ± 2.50 years; 29 (46.7%) females) with ...
Article GUID: 39988038
Author(s): Heidl AJ; Gierc M; Saputra S; Waliwitiya T; Puterman E; Cohen TR;
It is unknown if children and youth who live in rural or "less rural" locations who enroll in the provincially funded Generation Health Clinic (British Columbia, Canada), a family-based lifestyle program for weight management, present with different health behaviors at baseline. Thus, we assessed sociodemographic and health behavior (diet, physical activi ...
Article GUID: 39761009
Author(s): Infantino E; Barnett TA; Côté-Lussier C; Van Hulst A; Henderson M; Mathieu ME; Sabiston C; Kakinami L;
Background: Physical characteristics and perceptions of an environment can have enduring effects on one's mental health. The present study aimed to determine whether a set of measures of neighborhood safety - independent built environment features, parents' perception of neighborhood safe ...
Article GUID: 39604905
Author(s): Scardera S; Geoffroy MC; Langevin R; Perret LC; Collin-Vézina D; Voronin I; Gouin JP; Meng X; Boivin M; Ouellet-Morin I;
Childhood maltreatment is linked with later depressive symptoms, but not every maltreated child will experience symptoms later in life. Therefore, we investigate whether genetic predisposition for depression (i.e., polygenic score for depression, PGSDEP) modifies the association between maltreatm ...
Article GUID: 39465601
Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Archambault I; Correale L; Pagani LS;
Active play allows children to develop social and cognitive skills, which could lead to higher school engagement. Little is known about the role of child socioemotional difficulty in these associations. This study aims to examine the interaction between active play and socioemotional difficulty in childhood and their prospective association with academic ...
Article GUID: 39457326
Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Fitzpatrick C; Correale L; Pagani LS;
ackground/Objectives: Physical activity is an important protective factor throughout life. However, little research has observed the associations between the practice of physical activity and academic success longitudinally, and none have done so with a pan-Canadian sample. This article aims to examine the prospective associations between active leisure i ...
Article GUID: 39334672
Author(s): Zemp M; Fang S; Johnson MD;
This study aimed (1) to identify distinct family trajectory profiles of destructive interparental conflict and parent-child emotional warmth reported by one parent, and (2) to examine whether these codevelopmental profiles were associated with the longitudinal development of children and adolescents' self-reported internalizing and externalizing probl ...
Article GUID: 39323207
Author(s): Murphy A; England D; Elbarazi I; Horen N; Long T; Ismail-Allouche Z; Arafat C;
Introduction: This study investigates the cumulative effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on adult depression, anxiety, and stress in Abu Dhabi, controlling for demographic factors, lifestyle, and known health and mental health diagnoses. Methods: Utilizing a cross-sectional design and self-report measures, the research aims to fill a critical ...
Article GUID: 39100953
Author(s): Lau AS; Lind T; Cox J; Motamedi M; Lui JHL; Chlebowski C; Flores A; Diaz D; Roesch S; Brookman-Frazee L;
Pragmatic measures of evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation can support and evaluate implementation efforts. We examined the predictive validity of therapist reports of EBP strategy delivery for children's mental health outcomes. Data were obtained from 1,380 sessions with 248 children ...
Article GUID: 39096408
Author(s): Trespalacios F; Boyle A; Serravalle L; Hodgins S; Ellenbogen MA;
Background: The offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) are at higher risk of developing psychopathology than the offspring of parents with no affective disorder (control). In addition to genetic predisposition, childhood adversity and a stressful family environment are important risk factors for the OBD. Protective factors in parents, such as so ...
Article GUID: 39066987
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