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Reappraising beliefs about losing control: An experimental investigation

Author(s): Fridgen CPEA; Radomsky AS;

Background and objectives: Beliefs about losing control over one's thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and/or bodily functions have been shown to cause obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The cognitive model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suggests that catastrophic misappraisals of intrusions will lessen if underlying maladaptive beliefs are effectivel ...

Article GUID: 39837217

An Experimental Investigation of Moral Self-Violation and Mental Contamination

Author(s): Krause S; Radomsky AS;

Purpose: Cognitive models of mental contamination (feelings of dirtiness/washing behaviour that arise without direct contact with a contaminant) highlight the central role of perceptions of violation in the onset and maintenance of these feelings. Little research has been done to clarify violation-specific appraisals relevant to mental contamination. Perc ...

Article GUID: 37363745

Cognitive therapy for compulsive checking in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot trial.

Author(s): Radomsky AS, Giraldo-O'Meara M, Wong SF, Dugas MJ, Gelfand LA, Rachman S, Schell S, Senn JM, Shafran R, Whittal ML

Psychiatry Res. 2020 Feb 05;286:112850 Authors: Radomsky AS, Giraldo-O'Meara M, Wong SF, Dugas MJ, Gelfand LA, Rachman S, Schell S, Senn JM, Shafran R, Whittal ML

Article GUID: 32070838

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