Author(s): Mayell S; McLaughlin J; Hennebry J; Sanchez GV; Goswami P; Hanley J;
Migrant agricultural workers employed through Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program face serious occupational health and safety hazards, with compounded difficulties in accessing workers' compensation (WC) if they are sick or injured by the job. Little is known, however, about their ability to return to work (RTW) upon recovery-a fundamental r ...
Article GUID: 39980401
Author(s): Wickens RH; Postuma RB; de Villers-Sidani É; Pelletier A; Blinder S; Gagnon JF; Soucy JP; Montplaisir J; Bedard MA;
No abstract available
Article GUID: 37939636
Author(s): Clarke SH; McCracken GR; Humphries S; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ;
Sustainable management of exploited populations benefits from integrating demographic and genetic considerations into assessments, as both play a role in determining harvest yields and population persistence. This is especially important in populations subject to size-selective harvest, because size selective harvesting has the potential to result in sign ...
Article GUID: 36426123
Author(s): Victoria Nieborowska
This study examined the effects of age on single- and dual-task listening and walking during virtual street crossing. Seventeen younger and 12 older adults participated. In each listening trial, three sentences were presented simultaneously from separate locations. Participants were instructed to report the target sentence. Predictability of the target se ...
Article GUID: 30239280
Author(s): Halina Bruce
BACKGROUND: Older adults exhibit declines in auditory and motor functioning, which are compensated for through the recruitment of cognitive resources. Cognitive or physical training alone has been shown to improve cognitive functioning and transfer to motor tasks, but results are mixed when these are combined in studies of healthy older adults, and few st ...
Article GUID: 30390596
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