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Alzheimer's early detection in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: a systematic review and expert consensus on preclinical assessments

Author(s): Vandersteen C; Plonka A; Manera V; Sawchuk K; Lafontaine C; Galery K; Rouaud O; Bengaied N; Launay C; Guérin O; Robert P; Allali G; Beauchet O; Gros A;

Introduction: The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in older adults increasingly is being discussed in the literature on Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS). Remote digital Assessments for Preclinical AD (RAPAs) are becoming more important in screening for early AD, and should alway ...

Article GUID: 37416323

Primary and Secondary Progressive Aphasia in Posterior Cortical Atrophy

Author(s): Brodeur C; Belley É; Deschênes LM; Enriquez-Rosas A; Hubert M; Guimond A; Bilodeau J; Soucy JP; Macoir J;

Background: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a clinico-radiological syndrome characterized by a progressive decline in visuospatial/visuoperceptual processing. PCA is accompanied by the impairment of other cognitive functions, including language abilities. Methods: The present study focused o ...

Article GUID: 35629330

X-Vectors: New Quantitative Biomarkers for Early Parkinson's Disease Detection From Speech

Author(s): Jeancolas L; Petrovska-Delacrétaz D; Mangone G; Benkelfat BE; Corvol JC; Vidailhet M; Lehéricy S; Benali H;

Many articles have used voice analysis to detect Parkinson's disease (PD), but few have focused on the early stages of the disease and the gender effect. In this article, we have adapted the latest speaker recognition system, called x-vectors, in order to detect PD at an early stage using voi ...

Article GUID: 33679361

Hybrid multi-mode machine learning-based fault diagnosis strategies with application to aircraft gas turbine engines.

Author(s): Shen Y, Khorasani K

Neural Netw. 2020 Jul 08;130:126-142 Authors: Shen Y, Khorasani K

Article GUID: 32673847

The Comprehensive Assessment of Neurodegeneration and Dementia: Canadian Cohort Study.

Author(s): Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsiung GR, Camicioli R, Smith EE, Fogarty J, Lindsay J, Best S, Evans A, Das S, Mohaddes Z, Pilon R, ...

Can J Neurol Sci. 2019 Jul 16;:1-13 Authors: Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsiung GR, Camicioli R, Smith EE, Fogarty J, Lindsay J, Best S, Evans A, Das S, Mohaddes Z, Pilon R, Poirier J, Ph ...

Article GUID: 31309917

Deep model integrated with data correlation analysis for multiple intermittent faults diagnosis.

Author(s): Yang J, Xie G, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu W

ISA Trans. 2019 May 30;: Authors: Yang J, Xie G, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu W

Article GUID: 31174854

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