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Comparison of paraspinal muscle composition measurements using IDEAL fat-water and T2-weighted MR images

Author(s): Sara Masi

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that utilizing fat-water and T2-weighted MR images are comparable for quantifying multifidus and erector spinae muscle composition but not of the psoas major. While this suggests that both methods could be used interchangeably for the multifidus and erector spinae, further evaluation is required to expand and confirm our f ...

Article GUID: 36997912

Evaluation of an automated thresholding algorithm for the quantification of paraspinal muscle composition from MRI images.

Author(s): Fortin M, Omidyeganeh M, Battié MC, Ahmad O, Rivaz H

Biomed Eng Online. 2017 May 22;16(1):61 Authors: Fortin M, Omidyeganeh M, Battié MC, Ahmad O, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 28532491

Association between paraspinal muscle morphology, clinical symptoms and functional status in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.

Author(s): Fortin M, Lazáry À, Varga PP, Battié MC

Eur Spine J. 2017 10;26(10):2543-2551 Authors: Fortin M, Lazáry À, Varga PP, Battié MC

Article GUID: 28748488

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