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Ingestion of polyethylene microplastics impacts cichlid behaviour despite having low retention time

Author(s): Felismino MEL; Chevallier Rufigny S; Gonzalez-Fleurant SE; Brown GE;

Microplastics, particles between 0.001 and 5 mm in diameter, are ubiquitous in the environment and their consumption by aquatic organisms is known to lead to a variety of adverse effects. However, studies on the effects of microplastics on prey fish have not shown consistent trends, with results varying across species and plastic type used. Here, we manip ...

Article GUID: 39862685

Exploratory decisions of Trinidadian guppies when uncertain about predation risk

Author(s): Crane AL; Demers EE; Feyten LEA; Ramnarine IW; Brown GE;

Animals can reduce their uncertainty of predation risk by gathering new information via exploration behaviour. However, a decision to explore may also be costly due to increased predator exposure. Here, we found contextual effects of predation risk on the exploratory activity of Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata in a novel environment. First, guppie ...

Article GUID: 34741669

Rethinking microbial infallibility in the metagenomics era

Author(s): O' Malley MA; Walsh DA;

The 'principle of microbial infallibility' was a mainstay of microbial physiology and environmental microbiology in earlier decades. This principle asserts that wherever there is an energetic gain to be made from environmental resources, microorganisms will find a way to take advantage of the situation. Although previously disputed, this claim was ...

Article GUID: 34160589

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