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Association between aggression and ADHD polygenic scores and school-age aggression: the mediating role of preschool externalizing behaviors and adverse experiences

Author(s): Bouliane M; Boivin M; Kretschmer T; Lafreniere B; Paquin S; Tremblay R; Côté S; Gouin JP; Andlauer TFM; Petitclerc A; Ouellet-Morin I;

Individual differences in physical aggression (PA) are largely heritable. However, it remains unclear how genetic propensity for aggression manifests early in life and relates to school-age PA. Preschool externalizing behavior problems (EXT) and adverse experiences are known predictors of school- ...

Article GUID: 39907790

Childhood hyperactivity, eating behaviours, and executive functions: Their association with the development of eating-disorder symptoms in adolescence

Author(s): Dufour R; Breton É; Morin AJS; Côté SM; Dubois L; Vitaro F; Boivin M; Tremblay RE; Booij L;

Background: Cross-sectional studies have shown that hyperactivity and impaired executive functioning are associated with symptoms of eating disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Whether hyperactivity and executive functions in early life can prospectively predict the emergence of eating disorde ...

Article GUID: 37833803

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