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A scoping review of harm reduction practices and possibilities among indigenous populations in Australia, Canada, and the United States

Author(s): Zolopa C; Clifasefi SL; Dobischok S; Gala N; Fraser-Purdy H; Phillips MK; Blackmore S; Wendt DC;

Background: There is a great diversity of traditions, practices, and experiences among the Indigenous Peoples of North America and Oceania. However, Indigenous Peoples across these regions are affected by the historical and ongoing violence of settler colonialism, resulting in disproportionately ...

Article GUID: 39970577

Development of SNP Panels from Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing (lcWGS) to Support Indigenous Fisheries for Three Salmonid Species in Northern Canada

Author(s): Beemelmanns A; Bouchard R; Michaelides S; Normandeau E; Jeon HB; Chamlian B; Babin C; Hénault P; Perrot O; Harris LN; Zhu X; Fraser D; Bernatchez L; Moore JS;

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels are powerful tools for assessing the genetic population structure and dispersal of fishes and can enhance management practices for commercial, recreational and subsistence mixed-stock fisheries. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus), Brook Trout (Salvelinus ...

Article GUID: 39552382

A Typology of National Park Co-management Agreements in the Era of Reconciliation in Canada

Author(s): Bruce K; Mulrennan ME;

Parks Canada, in response to commitments undertaken towards reconciliation, has signaled its readiness to reassess the participation of Indigenous peoples in the co-management of national parks, national park reserves, and national marine conservation areas (NMCAs). However, the effectiveness of co-management, as the established framework underpinning the ...

Article GUID: 38960921

Negative Affect and Drinking among Indigenous Youth: Disaggregating Within- and Between-Person Effects

Author(s): Ashley Reynolds

Negative affect (depression/anxiety) and alcohol use among Indigenous youth in Canada remain a concern for many communities. Disparate rates of these struggles are understood to be a potential outcome of colonization and subsequent intergenerational trauma experienced by individuals, families, and communities. Using a longitudinal design, we examined chan ...

Article GUID: 38407776

The impact of cultural identity, parental communication, and peer influence on substance use among Indigenous youth in Canada

Author(s): Reynolds A; Keough MT; Blacklock A; Tootoosis C; Whelan J; Bomfim E; Mushquash C; Wendt DC; O' Connor RM; Burack JA;

Heavy drinking and smoking have been found to be among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality within Indigenous youth in North America. The focus of this study was to examine the relative roles of cultural identity, parent-child communication about the harms of substance use (SU), and perc ...

Article GUID: 37796930

Editorial: Qualitative pain research: Capturing and integrating cultural, social and linguistic data

Author(s): Najmeh Khalili-Mahani

No abstract available

Article GUID: 36506270

Teaching Culturally Safe Care in Simulated Cultural Communication Scenarios During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Virtual Visits with Indigenous Animators

Author(s): Maar M; McGregor L; Desjardins D; Delaney KZ; Bessette N; Reade M;

Clinical learning activities involving Indigenous patient actors that specifically address the development of culturally safe care skills among medical students are important in order to improve health care for Indigenous people. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to strict physical distancing regulations and regional lockdowns that made the in-person del ...

Article GUID: 35392591

Trauma-informed Approaches to Substance Use Interventions with Indigenous Peoples: A Scoping Review

Author(s): Pride T; Lam A; Swansburg J; Seno M; Lowe MB; Bomfim E; Toombs E; Marsan S; LoRusso J; Roy J; Gurr E; LaFontaine J; Paul J; Burack JA; Mushquash C; Stewart SH; Wendt DC;

Indigenous Peoples experience disproportionately higher rates of problematic substance use. These problems are situated in a context of individual and intergenerational trauma from colonization, residential schools, and racist and discriminatory practices, policies, and services. Therefore, subst ...

Article GUID: 34895091

Assessing the Contribution of Traditional Foods to Food Security for the Wapekeka First Nation of Canada

Author(s): Robidoux MA; Winnepetonga D; Santosa S; Haman F;

The food security crisis and disproportionately high burden of dietary related disease amongst northern Indigenous populations in Canada continues to be a troubling reality with little sign of improvement. The Government of Canada is responding by developing programs to support local food initiatives for northern isolated communities. While such investmen ...

Article GUID: 34310881

Size reductions and genomic changes within two generations in wild walleye populations: associated with harvest?

Author(s): Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Evol Appl. 2020 Jul;13(6):1128-1144 Authors: Bowles E, Marin K, Mogensen S, MacLeod P, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 32684951

Substance Use Research with Indigenous Communities: Exploring and Extending Foundational Principles of Community Psychology.

Author(s): Wendt DC, Hartmann WE, Allen J, Burack JA, Charles B, D'Amico EJ, Dell CA, Dickerson DL, Donovan DM, Gone JP, O'Connor RM, Radin SM, Rasmus SM, Venner KL, Walls ML

Am J Community Psychol. 2019 Jul 31;: Authors: Wendt DC, Hartmann WE, Allen J, Burack JA, Charles B, D'Amico EJ, Dell CA, Dickerson DL, Donovan DM, Gone JP, O'Connor RM, Radin SM, Rasmus SM, Venner KL, Walls ML

Article GUID: 31365138

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