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Assessment of landfill gas storage and application regarding energy management: A case study in the province of Quebec, Canada

Author(s): Malmir T; Héroux M; Lagos D; Eicker U;

Landfills are extensively applied to dispose of municipal solid wastes in developed and developing countries. Landfill gas generation from biodegradable organic wastes can be collected and converted to energy. When the gas collection system is shutdown, some of this gas can accumulate and be stored inside the landfill. Using the gas storage capacity of th ...

Article GUID: 37659122

A comparative study of black-box and white-box data-driven methods to predict landfill leachate permeability

Author(s): Ghasemi M; Samadi M; Soleimanian E; Chau KW;

Due to the dynamic and complexity of leachate percolation within municipal solid waste (MSW), planning and operation of solid waste management systems are challenging for decision-makers. In this regard, data-driven methods can be considered robust approaches to modeling this problem. In this paper, three black-box data-driven models, including artificial ...

Article GUID: 37335361

Construction, renovation, and demolition waste in landfill: a review of waste characteristics, environmental impacts, and mitigation measures

Author(s): Chen Z; Feng Q; Yue R; Chen Z; Moselhi O; Soliman A; Hammad A; An C;

With the increase in global population, industrialization, and urbanization, waste from construction, renovation, and demolition (CRD) activities has grown rapidly. There are some issues associated with the disposal of CRD waste in landfills. Depositing in landfills is still the main method for CRD waste disposal from the global perspective. The objective ...

Article GUID: 35508848

Analysis of input set characteristics and variances on k-fold cross validation for a Recurrent Neural Network model on waste disposal rate estimation

Author(s): Vu HL; Ng KTW; Richter A; An C;

The use of machine learning techniques in waste management studies is increasingly popular. Recent literature suggests k-fold cross validation may reduce input dataset partition uncertainties and minimize overfitting issues. The objectives are to quantify the benefits of k-fold cross validation for municipal waste disposal prediction and to identify the r ...

Article GUID: 35287077

Extended environmental multimedia modeling system assessing the risk carried by pollutants in interacted air-unsaturated-groundwater zones.

Author(s): Yuan J, Elektorowicz M

J Hazard Mater. 2019 Jul 22;381:120852 Authors: Yuan J, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 31376662

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