Author(s): Pereira M; Chen X; Paltarzhytskaya A; Pache?o Y; Muller N; Bovy L; Lei X; Chen W; Ren H; Song C; Lewis LD; Dang-Vu TT; Czisch M; Picchioni D; Duyn J; Peigneux P; Tagliazucchi E; Dresler M;
Sleep research has evolved considerably since the first sleep electroencephalography recordings in the 1930s and the discovery of well-distinguishable sleep stages in the 1950s. While electrophysiological recordings have been used to describe the sleeping brain in much detail, since the 1990s neu ...
Article GUID: 39940102
Author(s): Kaboodvand N; Shabanpour M; Guterstam J;
Impulsivity is a trait associated with several psychiatric conditions, not least addictive disorders. While the neural mechanisms behind certain aspects of impulsivity have been studied extensively, there are few imaging studies examining this neurocircuitry in populations with substance use disorders. Therefore, we aimed to examine the functional connect ...
Article GUID: 38991286
Author(s): Lahmiri S; Boukadoum M; Di Ieva A;
Several natural phenomena can be described by studying their statistical scaling patterns, hence leading to simple geometrical interpretation. In this regard, fractal geometry is a powerful tool to describe the irregular or fragmented shape of natural features, using spatial or time-domain statistical scaling laws (power-law behavior) to characterize real ...
Article GUID: 38468046
Author(s): Rosenstein B; Burdick J; Roussac A; Rye M; Naghdi N; Valentin S; Licka T; Sean M; Tétreault P; Elliott J; Fortin M;
It remains unclear whether paraspinal muscle fatty infiltration in low back pain (LBP) is i) solely intramuscular, ii) is lying outside the epimysium between the muscle and fascial plane (epimuscular) or iii) or combination of both, as imaging studies often use different segmentation protocols th ...
Article GUID: 38280825
Author(s): Anstruther M; Rossini B; Zhang T; Liang T; Xiao Y; Fortin M;
Background: There is an increasing interest in assessing paraspinal morphology and composition in relation to low back pain (LBP). However, variations in methods and segmentation protocols contribute to the inconsistent findings in the literature. We present an on-line resource, the ParaspInaL muscLe segmentAtion pRoject (PILLAR, https://projectpillar.git ...
Article GUID: 37996857
Author(s): Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Pascoal T; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier F; Rosa-Neto P; Soucy JP; Rivaz H; Benali H;
Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis in its early stages remains difficult with current diagnostic approaches. Though tau neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) generally follow the stereotypical pattern described by the Braak staging scheme, the network degeneration hypothesis (NDH) has su ...
Article GUID: 37920382
Author(s): Naghdi N; Elliott JM; Weber MH; Fehlings MG; Fortin M;
Objectives: This study aimed to examine whether preoperative cervical muscle size, composition, and asymmetry from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can predict post-operative outcomes in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). Methods: A total of 171 patients with DCM were included. Relative total cross-sectional area (RCSA), functional CSA ...
Article GUID: 37745653
Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Montpetit C; Burdick J; Naghdi N; Rosenstein B; Bertrand C; Macedo LG; Elliott JM; Dover G; DeMont R; Weber MH; Pepin V;
Low back pain (LBP), a globally widespread and persistent musculoskeletal disorder, benefits from exercise therapy. However, it remains unclear which type leads to greater changes in paraspinal muscle health. This study aimed to (1) compare the effects of a combined motor control and isolated lum ...
Article GUID: 37762861
Author(s): Xiao Y; Gilmore G; Kai J; Lau JC; Peters T; Khan AR;
Population-averaged brain atlases, that are represented in a standard space with anatomical labels, are instrumental tools in neurosurgical planning and the study of neurodegenerative conditions. Traditional brain atlases are primarily derived from anatomical scans and contain limited information regarding the axonal organization of the white matter. With ...
Article GUID: 37663773
Author(s): Easson K; Gilbert G; Gauthier C; Rohlicek CV; Saint-Martin C; Brossard-Racine M;
Background Lower cerebral blood flow (CBF) has previously been documented preoperatively in neonates with congenital heart disease (CHD). However, it remains unclear if these CBF deficits persist over the life span of CHD survivors following heart surgery. When exploring this question, it is critical to consider the sex differences in CBF that emerge duri ...
Article GUID: 37301764
Author(s): Madge V; Fonov VS; Xiao Y; Zou L; Jackson C; Postuma RB; Dagher A; Fon EA; Collins DL;
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder affecting regions such as the substantia nigra (SN), red nucleus (RN) and locus coeruleus (LC). Processing MRI data from patients with PD requires anatomical structural references for spatial normalization and structural segmentation. Extending our previous work, we present multi-contras ...
Article GUID: 37213552
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