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Facebook recruitment: understanding research relations Prior to data collection

Author(s): Young K; Browne K;

This article considers the multiple relations that emerge from and between Facebook commenters, as well as between commenters, researchers, and the research project during recruitment. To do so, we draw on our experiences of recruiting individuals who have concerns about or are opposed to a range of recent social and legal changes in 'post-equality ...

Article GUID: 39877298

Infants' Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study

Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...

Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...

Article GUID: 39600132

Searching and reporting in Campbell Collaboration systematic reviews: A systematic assessment of current methods

Author(s): Young S; MacDonald H; Louden D; Ellis UM; Premji Z; Rogers M; Bethel A; Pickup D;

The search methods used in systematic reviews provide the foundation for establishing the body of literature from which conclusions are drawn and recommendations made. Searches should aim to be comprehensive and reporting of search methods should be transparent and reproducible. Campbell Collaboration systematic reviews strive to adhere to the best method ...

Article GUID: 39176233

Measuring what matters to older persons for active living: part I content development for the OPAL measure across four countries

Author(s): Mayo NE; Auais M; Barclay R; Branin J; Dawes H; Korfage IJ; Sawchuk K; Tal E; White CL; Ayoubi Z; Chowdhury F; Henderson J; Mansoubi M; Mate KKV; Nadea L; Rodriguez S; Kuspinar A;

Aims: Many older persons do not think of themselves as "patients" but as persons wishing to live as actively as possible for as long as possible. However, most health-related quality of life (HRQL) measures were developed for use with clinical populations. The aim of this project was to fill that ...

Article GUID: 38967870

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program aimed at building leadership capacity: A concurrent mixed-methods study

Author(s): Lavoie-Tremblay M; Boies K; Clausen C; Frechette J; Manning K; Gelsomini C; Cyr G; Lavigne G; Gottlieb B; Gottlieb LN;

Background: Targeted interventions have been found effective for developing leadership practices in nurses. However, to date, no leadership training program based on the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership approach exists. Objectives: Demonstrate the effectiveness of a Strengths-Ba ...

Article GUID: 38746801

Identifying priority questions regarding rapid systematic reviews' methods: protocol for an eDelphi study

Author(s): Vieira AM; Szczepanik G; de Waure C; Tricco AC; Oliver S; Stojanovic J; Ribeiro PAB; Pollock D; Akl EA; Lavis J; Kuchenmuller T; Bragge P; Langer L; Bacon S;

Introduction: Rapid systematic reviews (RRs) have the potential to provide timely information to decision-makers, thus directly impacting healthcare. However, consensus regarding the most efficient approaches to performing RRs and the presence of several unaddressed methodological issues pose cha ...

Article GUID: 37419644

How to present work productivity loss results from clinical trials for patients and caregivers? A mixed methods approach

Author(s): L' Heureux J; McTaggart-Cowan H; Johns G; Chen L; Steiner T; Tocher P; Sun H; Zhang W;

Objectives: From the perspectives of patients and caregivers, the objectives were: identifying which result presentations, describing work productivity loss (WPL) outcomes, are most understandable; measuring which presentations are important to report; and investigating which WPL outcomes are vie ...

Article GUID: 37276772

Barriers and facilitators to diet, physical activity and lifestyle behavior intervention adherence: a qualitative systematic review of the literature

Author(s): Alysha L Deslippe

CONCLUSIONS: Lifestyle interventions that foster self-regulatory skills, opportunities for social engagement and personalization of goals may improve behaviour adherence. This can be achieved through inclusion of BCT, tapering off of intervention supports, identification of meaningful goals and anticipated barriers with participants.

Article GUID: 36782207

Pan-Canadian caregiver experiences in accessing government disability programs: A mixed methods study

Author(s): Finlay B; Wittevrongel K; Materula D; Hébert ML; O' Grady K; Lach LM; Nicholas D; Zwicker JD;

Background: At present, little is known about the factors that contribute to the relatively low uptake of government-funded disability programs in Canada. Aim: Understand how parents/caregivers of Canadian youth with neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) experience the process of applying for and ...

Article GUID: 36621140

Double-Bind of Recruitment of Older Adults Into Studies of Successful Aging via Assistive Information and Communication Technologies: Mapping Review

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N; Sawchuk K;

Background: Two fields of research and development targeting the needs of the aging population of the world are flourishing, successful aging and assistive information and communication technologies (A-ICTs). The risks of ageist stereotypes emerging from how we communicate in both discourses are long known. This raises questions about whether using specif ...

Article GUID: 36563033

Toward a digital citizen lab for capturing data about alternative ways of self-managing chronic pain: An attitudinal user study

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N; Woods S; Holowka EM; Pahayahay A; Roy M;

Background: Myriad psychosocial and cultural factors influence personal ways of coping with chronic pain (CP). Mobile health (mHealth) apps facilitate creation of citizen laboratories outside clinical frameworks. However, issues of safety, privacy and technostress must be addressed. This attitudinal user study aimed to assess whether persons with persiste ...

Article GUID: 36188996

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