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NREM sleep brain networks modulate cognitive recovery from sleep deprivation

Author(s): Lee K; Wang Y; Cross NE; Jegou A; Razavipour F; Pomares FB; Perrault AA; Nguyen A; Aydin Ü; Uji M; Abdallah C; Anticevic A; Frauscher B; Ben ...

Decrease in cognitive performance after sleep deprivation followed by recovery after sleep suggests its key role, and especially non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, in the maintenance of cognition ...

Article GUID: 39005401

Different Patterns of Sleep-Dependent Procedural Memory Consolidation in Vipassana Meditation Practitioners and Non-meditating Controls.

Author(s): Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Front Psychol. 2019;10:3014 Authors: Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Article GUID: 32038390

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