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Sleep spindles and slow oscillations predict cognition and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;

Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Using data from a prospective cohort of mild to moderate AD (n = 60), we analyzed non-rapid eye moveme ...

Article GUID: 39878233

Challenges and Approaches in the Study of Neural Entrainment

Author(s): Duecker K; Doelling KB; Breska A; Coffey EBJ; Sivarao DV; Zoefel B;

When exposed to rhythmic stimulation, the human brain displays rhythmic activity across sensory modalities and regions. Given the ubiquity of this phenomenon, how sensory rhythms are transformed into neural rhythms remains surprisingly inconclusive. An influential model posits that endogenous oscillations entrain to external rhythms, thereby encoding envi ...

Article GUID: 39358026

The neurophysiology of closed-loop auditory stimulation in sleep: A magnetoencephalography study

Author(s): Jourde HR; Merlo R; Brooks M; Rowe M; Coffey EBJ;

Closed-loop auditory stimulation (CLAS) is a brain modulation technique in which sounds are timed to enhance or disrupt endogenous neurophysiological events. CLAS of slow oscillation up-states in sleep is becoming a popular tool to study and enhance sleep's functions, as it increases slow oscillations, evokes sleep spindles and enhances memory consoli ...

Article GUID: 37675803

Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Epilepsy, in 2022: Hills We Have Climbed and Hills Ahead. Neurophysiology in epilepsy

Author(s): Frauscher B; Bénar CG; Engel JJ; Grova C; Jacobs J; Kahane P; Wiebe S; Zjilmans M; Dubeau F;

Since the discovery of the human electroencephalogram (EEG), neurophysiology techniques have become indispensable tools in our armamentarium to localize epileptic seizures. New signal analysis techniques and the prospects of artificial intelligence and big data will offer unprecedented opportunit ...

Article GUID: 37119580

Slow oscillation-spindle cross-frequency coupling predicts overnight declarative memory consolidation in older adults

Author(s): Oren M Weiner

Cross-frequency coupling (CFC) between brain oscillations during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep (e.g. slow oscillations [SO] and spindles) may be a neural mechanism of overnight memory consolidation. Declines in CFC across the lifespan might accompany coinciding memory problems with ageing. However, there are few reports of CFC changes during sleep a ...

Article GUID: 37002805

Sigma oscillations protect or reinstate motor memory depending on their temporal coordination with slow waves

Author(s): Nicolas J; King BR; Levesque D; Lazzouni L; Coffey EBJ; Swinnen S; Doyon J; Carrier J; Albouy G;

Targeted memory reactivation (TMR) during post-learning sleep is known to enhance motor memory consolidation but the underlying neurophysiological processes remain unclear. Here, we confirm the beneficial effect of auditory TMR on motor performance. At the neural level, TMR enhanced slow wave (SW ...

Article GUID: 35726850

How cerebral cortex protects itself from interictal spikes: The alpha/beta inhibition mechanism

Author(s): Pellegrino G; Hedrich T; Sziklas V; Lina JM; Grova C; Kobayashi E;

Interactions between interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and distant cortical regions subserve potential effects on cognition of patients with focal epilepsy. We hypothesize that "healthy" brain areas at a distance from the epileptic focus may respond to the interference of IEDs by generating inhibitory alpha and beta oscillations. We predict that m ...

Article GUID: 34002916

Using Models to (Re-)Design Synthetic Circuits.

Author(s): McCallum G, Potvin-Trottier L

Mathematical models play an important role in the design of synthetic gene circuits, by guiding the choice of biological components and their assembly into novel gene networks. Here, we present a guide for biologists to build and utilize models of gene networks (synthetic or natural) to analyze dynamical properties of these networks while considering the ...

Article GUID: 33405217

Brain Rhythms During Sleep and Memory Consolidation: Neurobiological Insights.

Author(s): Marshall L, Cross N, Binder S, Dang-Vu TT

Physiology (Bethesda). 2020 Jan 01;35(1):4-15 Authors: Marshall L, Cross N, Binder S, Dang-Vu TT

Article GUID: 31799908

State-Dependent Entrainment of Prefrontal Cortex Local Field Potential Activity Following Patterned Stimulation of the Cerebellar Vermis.

Author(s): Tremblay SA, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R

Front Syst Neurosci. 2019;13:60 Authors: Tremblay SA, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R

Article GUID: 31736718

Sleep spindles may predict response to cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia

Author(s): Dang-Vu TT; Hatch B; Salimi A; Mograss M; Boucetta S; O' Byrne J; Brandewinder M; Berthomier C; Gouin JP;

Background: While cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia constitutes the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, only few reports have investigated how sleep architecture relates to response to this treatment. In this pilot study, we aimed to determine whether pre-treatment sleep spindle de ...

Article GUID: 29157588

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