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The Present and Future of Adult Entertainment: A Content Analysis of AI-Generated Pornography Websites

Author(s): Lapointe VA; Dubé S; Rukhlyadyev S; Kessai T; Lafortune D;

Fueled by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the adult entertainment industry is undergoing a significant transformation. AI-generated pornography-or AI porn-is reshaping how people create and consume sexually explicit content, progressively offering rapid, mass access to large quantities of interactive and highly customizable experiences. Yet, des ...

Article GUID: 40032709

Identification and comprehensive characterization of moral disapproval and behavioral dysregulation-based pornography-use profiles across 42 countries

Author(s): Bothe B; Tóth-Király I; Popova N; Nagy L; Koós M; Demetrovics Z; Potenza MN; Kraus SW; Ballester-Arnal R; Batthyány D; Bergeron S; Billieux J; Briken P; Burkauskas J; Cárdenas-López G; Carvalho J; Castro-Calvo J; Chen L; Ciocca G; Corazz ...

Background and aims: The Moral Incongruence Model of Pornography Use proposes that pornography-use-related problems may be present due to problematic pornography use (PPU) and/or moral disapproval (MD) of pornography use. Despite some supporting empirical evidence, no study has tested the presenc ...

Article GUID: 39945767

A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents' Pornography Use Frequency, Motivations, and Problematic Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author(s): Bothe B; Vaillancourt-Morel MP; Dion J; Paquette MM; Massé-Pfister M; Tóth-Király I; Bergeron S;

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in pornography use has been reported based on cross-sectional findings, raising concerns about associated adverse outcomes, such as problematic pornography use (PPU). The aims of the present study were to document potential changes in adol ...

Article GUID: 35059944

Are sexual functioning problems associated with frequent pornography use and/or problematic pornography use? Results from a large community survey including males and females.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Griffiths MD, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

There is much debate regarding whether pornography use has positive or negative associations with sexuality-related measures such as sexual functioning problems. The present study aimed to examine differential correlates between quantity (frequency of pornography use-FPU) and severity (problematic pornography use-PPU) of pornography use with respect to se ...

Article GUID: 32810799

High-Frequency Pornography Use May Not Always Be Problematic.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

J Sex Med. 2020 Feb 04;: Authors: Bőthe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

Article GUID: 32033863

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