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Psychosocial Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Social Participation is Associated With Cognitive Performance in Multiple Domains

Author(s): Rehan S; Phillips NA;

Psychosocial function is associated with cognitive performance cross-sectionally and cognitive decline over time. Using data from the COMPASS-ND study, we examined associations between psychosocial and cognitive function in 126 individuals with mild cognitive impairment, an at-risk group for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Psychosocial function was measured ...

Article GUID: 39773214

Translating Evidence-Based Self-Management Interventions Using a Stepped-Care Approach for Patients With Cancer and Their Caregivers: A Pilot Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Design

Author(s): Lambert S; Moodie EEM; McCusker J; Lokhorst M; Harris C; Langmuir T; Belzile E; Laizner AM; Brahim LO; Wasserman S; Chehayeb S; Vickers M; Duncan L; Esplen MJ; Maheu C; Howell D; de Raad M;

Background: Self-directed interventions are cost-effective for patients with cancer and their family caregivers, but barriers to use can compromise adherence and efficacy. Aim: Pilot a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) to develop a time-varying dyadic self-management interv ...

Article GUID: 39763142

Psychosocial Difficulties Profiles Among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Olivier E; Jolin A; Dubé C; Maïano C; Tracey D; Craven RG; Morin AJS;

This study sought to identify the various configurations, or profiles, of internalizing and externalizing behaviors found among a sample of youth with intellectual disabilities (ID). These behaviors were assessed twice over one year, using self, parental, and teacher reports. Six variables were hypothesized to predict profile membership: Parent-child rela ...

Article GUID: 38750342

A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocial profiles with associated neural signatures

Author(s): Perrault AA; Kebets V; Kuek NMY; Cross NE; Tesfaye R; Pomares FB; Li J; Chee MWL; Dang-Vu TT; Yeo BTT;

Sleep is essential for optimal functioning and health. Interconnected to multiple biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors (i.e., biopsychosocial factors), the multidimensional nature of sleep is rarely capitalized on in research. Here, we deployed a data-driven approach to ident ...

Article GUID: 38659875

Athlete Fear Avoidance, Depression, and Anxiety Are Associated with Acute Concussion Symptoms in Athletes

Author(s): Patlan I; Gamelin G; Khalaj K; Castonguay T; Dover G;

ackground: Assessing sport-related concussions in athletes presents challenges due to symptom variability. This study aimed to explore the relationship between acute concussion symptoms and athlete fear avoidance, pain catastrophizing, depression, and anxiety. Anxiety and depression have previously been associated with the number of symptoms after a concu ...

Article GUID: 38673675

Understanding Adolescents' Experiences With Menstrual Pain to Inform the User-Centered Design of a Mindfulness-Based App: Mixed Methods Investigation Study

Author(s): Gagnon MM; Brilz AR; Alberts NM; Gordon JL; Risling TL; Stinson JN;

Background: Digital interventions are increasingly popular for the provision of nonpharmacological pain interventions, but few exist for adolescents with menstrual pain. User-centered design involves incorporating users across phases of digital health intervention design, development, and implementation and leads to improved user engagement and outcomes. ...

Article GUID: 38587886

A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocialprofiles with associated neural signatures

Author(s): Perrault AA; Kebets V; Kuek NMY; Cross NE; Tesfaye R; Pomares FB; Li J; Chee MWL; Dang-Vu TT; Thomas Yeo BT;

Sleep is essential for optimal functioning and health. Interconnected to multiple biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors (i.e., biopsychosocial factors), the multidimensional nature of sleep is rarely capitalized on in research. Here, we deployed a data-driven approach to ident ...

Article GUID: 38559143

Factors associated with change in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression in community-living adults and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Vasiliadis HM; Spagnolo J; Bartram M; Fleury MJ; Gouin JP; Grenier S; Roberge P; Shen-Tu G; Vena JE; Lamoureux-Lamarche C; Wang J;

Objectives: Few are the longitudinal studies on the changes in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety or depression (MSS-ANXDEP) from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. The aim was to study the change in MSS-ANXDEP and associated sociodemographic, economic, psychosocial, health beh ...

Article GUID: 38117417

Longitudinal Validation of a Specific Measure of Fear Avoidance in Athletes: Predicting Time from Injury to Return to Sports Competition

Author(s): Tito N; Porter E; Castonguay T; Dover G;

Purpose: We developed the Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ) to measure fear avoidance in athletes. Previous fear avoidance scales were developed for the general population and have demonstrated significant predictive capabilities regarding rehabilitation. No research to date has examined the association between athlete fear avoidance as measured ...

Article GUID: 37020665

Measuring workplace psychosocial factors in the federal government

Author(s): Blais AR; Michaud I; Simard JF; Mach L; Houle S;

Background: The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) identifies 13 psychosocial factors affecting psychological health and safety in the workplace that employers should measure and monitor with the goal of addressing areas for improvement. The present study sought to determine the suitability of t ...

Article GUID: 35044739

Intuitive eating and its association with psychosocial health in adults: A cross-sectional study in a representative Canadian sample

Author(s): Gödde JU; Yuan TY; Kakinami L; Cohen TR;

Intuitive eating has been proposed as a weight-inclusive, effective, and sustainable approach to eating that benefits psychosocial health compared to traditional restrictive dieting. This cross-sectional study examined the associations of intuitive eating with psychosocial health indicators and demographic characteristics in a representative Canadian samp ...

Article GUID: 34740711

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