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Significant wins and their impacts: Predictors of problem gambling in French and Polish national samples

Author(s): Lelonek-Kuleta B; Tovar ML; Bartczuk RP; Costes JM;

Aim: We examined the role of significant win experiences alongside psychosocial factors in the risk of problem gambling. Participants: The study involved adult pure-chance gamblers from representative Polish (n = 3143) and French samples (n = 5692). Measurements: The questionnaire encompassed socio-demographic details, gambling behaviours, significant w ...

Article GUID: 39889363

Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the LEAD trial: a cluster randomized controlled lifestyle intervention to improve hippocampal volume in older adults at-risk for dementia

Author(s): N D Koblinsky

CONCLUSIONS: High adherence and retention rates were observed among participants and preliminary findings illustrate improvements in diet quality and HbA1c. These results indicate that a larger trial is feasible if difficulties surrounding recruitment can be mitigated.

Article GUID: 35139918

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