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Widespread admixture blurs population structure and confounds Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) conservation even in the genomic era

Author(s): Bernos TA; Gibelli J; Michaelides S; Won H; Jeon HB; Marin K; Boguski DA; Janjua MY; Gallagher CP; Howland KL; Fraser DJ;

Intraspecific variation is important for species' long-term persistence in changing environments. Conservation strategies targeting intraspecific variation often rely on the identification of management or policy units below the species level based on biological differences among populations. ...

Article GUID: 39730611

Recruitment dynamics of juvenile salmonids: Comparisons among populations and with classic case studies

Author(s): Matte JO; Fraser DJ; Grant JWA;

Understanding recruitment, the process by which individuals are added to a population or to a fishery, is critical for understanding population dynamics and facilitating sustainable fisheries management. Important variation in recruitment dynamics is observed among populations, wherein some populations exhibit asymptotic productivity and others exhibit ov ...

Article GUID: 38599588

Morphological and Habitat Quality of Salmonid Streams and their Relationship with Fish-Based Indices in Aotearoa New Zealand and Ontario (Canada)

Author(s): Foote KJ; Biron PM; Grant JWA;

Habitat degradation is one of the major reasons for freshwater species decline. Hydrogeomorphological processes (such as sediment transport, bank erosion, and flooding) operate at the catchment scale and determine habitat features in river reaches. However, habitat quality indices and restoration for freshwater fish species are often implemented at small ...

Article GUID: 38172273

Microgeographic variation in demography and thermal regimes stabilize regional abundance of a widespread freshwater fish

Author(s): Gallagher BK; Fraser DJ;

Predicting the persistence of species under climate change is an increasingly important objective in ecological research and management. However, biotic and abiotic heterogeneity can drive asynchrony in population responses at small spatial scales, complicating species-level assessments. For widely distributed species consisting of many fragmented populat ...

Article GUID: 38071739

Population variation in density-dependent growth, mortality and their trade-off in a stream fish.

Author(s): Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

J Anim Ecol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

Article GUID: 31642512

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