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Imaging flow cytometry-based cellular screening elucidates pathophysiology in individuals with Variants of Uncertain Significance

Author(s): Muffels IJJ; Waterham HR; D' Alessandro G; Zagnoli-Vieira G; Sacher M; Lefeber DJ; Van der Vinne C; Roifman CM; Gassen KLI; Rehmann H; Van Haaften-Visser DY; Nieuwenhuis ESS; Jackson SP; Fuchs SA; Wijk F; van Hasselt P;

Background: Deciphering variants of uncertain significance (VUS) represents a major diagnostic challenge, partially due to the lack of easy-to-use and versatile cellular readouts that aid the interpretation of pathogenicity and pathophysiology. To address this challenge, we propose a high-through ...

Article GUID: 39920830

Automated abdominal aortic calcification and major adverse cardiovascular events in people undergoing osteoporosis screening: the Manitoba Bone Mineral Density Registry

Author(s): Smith C; Sim M; Ilyas Z; Gilani SZ; Suter D; Reid S; Monchka BA; Jozani MJ; Figtree G; Schousboe JT; Lewis JR; Leslie WD;

Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) images from bone density machines enable the automated machine learning assessment of abdominal aortic calcification (ML-AAC), a marker of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. The objective of this study was to describe the risk of a major adverse cardiovascular ...

Article GUID: 39749990

Validation and Reliability of the Dyslexia Adult Checklist in Screening for Dyslexia

Author(s): Stark Z; Elalouf K; Soldano V; Franzen L; Johnson AP;

Dyslexia is a language-based neurobiological and developmental learning disability marked by inaccurate and disfluent word recognition, poor decoding, and difficulty spelling. Individuals can be diagnosed with and experience symptoms of dyslexia throughout their lifespan. Screening tools such as the Dyslexia Adult Checklist allow individuals to self-evalu ...

Article GUID: 39660384

Exploring the Qualitative Experiences of Administering and Participating in Remote Research via Telephone Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Blind: Cross-Sectional Study of Older Adults

Author(s): Dumassais S; Grewal KS; Aubin G; O' Connell M; Phillips NA; Wittich W;

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic shift in the practice of research and clinical services. It has been noted that cognition measured via in-person versus remote methods differ substantially, and it is possible that subjective and experiential differences exist between modalities. Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the percepti ...

Article GUID: 39546346

Are MEDLINE searches sufficient for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools? A review of meta-analyses

Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Levis B; Qi B; Kingsland E; Thombs BD;

Objective: Database searches for studies of diagnostic test accuracy are notoriously difficult to filter, highly resource-intensive, and a potential barrier to quality evidence synthesis. We examined published meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy to evaluate the (1) proportion of included primary studies found in any online database in the ...

Article GUID: 27411746

Reporting quality in abstracts of meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy: a review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Shrier I; Thombs BD;

Objective: Concerns have been raised regarding the quality and completeness of abstract reporting in evidence reviews, but this had not been evaluated in meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy. Our objective was to evaluate reporting quality and completeness in abstracts of systematic reviews with meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy, using t ...

Article GUID: 27864250

Depression Screening and Health Outcomes in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

Author(s): Roseman M; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Kloda LA; Boruff J; Ickowicz A; Baltzer F; Katz LY; Patten SB; Rousseau C; Thombs BD;

Objective: Depression screening among children and adolescents is controversial. In 2009, the United States Preventive Services Task Force first recommended routine depression screening for adolescents, and this recommendation was reiterated in 2016. However, no randomized controlled trials (RCTs ...

Article GUID: 28851234

Simultaneous automated ascertainment of prevalent vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification in clinical practice: role in fracture risk assessment

Author(s): Schousboe JT; Lewis JR; Monchka BA; Reid SB; Davidson MJ; Kimelman D; Jozani MJ; Smith C; Sim M; Gilani SZ; Suter D; Leslie WD;

Whether simultaneous automated ascertainments of prevalent vertebral fracture (auto-PVFx) and abdominal aortic calcification (auto-AAC) on vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) lateral spine bone density (BMD) images jointly predict incident fractures in routine clinical practice is unclear. We est ...

Article GUID: 38699950

Screening for parent and child ADHD in urban pediatric primary care: pilot implementation and stakeholder perspectives

Author(s): Lui JHL; Danko CM; Triece T; Bennett IM; Marschall D; Lorenzo NE; Stein MA; Chronis-Tuscano A;

Background: ADHD commonly co-occurs in children and parents. When ADHD is untreated in parents, it contributes to negative child developmental and treatment outcomes. Screening for parent and child ADHD co-occurrence in pediatric primary care may be an effective strategy for early identification ...

Article GUID: 37442955

A "biphasic glycosyltransferase high-throughput screen" identifies novel anthraquinone glycosides in the diversification of phenolic natural products

Author(s): Mohideen FI; Kwan DH;

The sugar moieties of many glycosylated small molecule natural products are essential for their biological activity. Glycosyltransferases (GTs) are the enzymes responsible for installing these sugar moieties on a variety of biomolecules. Several GTs that are active on natural products are inherently substrate-promiscuous and thus serve as useful tools in ...

Article GUID: 36682498

Microfluidics for long-term single-cell time-lapse microscopy: Advances and applications

Author(s): Allard P; Papazotos F; Potvin-Trottier L;

Cells are inherently dynamic, whether they are responding to environmental conditions or simply at equilibrium, with biomolecules constantly being made and destroyed. Due to their small volumes, the chemical reactions inside cells are stochastic, such that genetically identical cells display heterogeneous behaviors and gene expression profiles. Studying t ...

Article GUID: 36312536

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