Author(s): He S; Singh D; Helfield B;
Gene therapy targeting ischemic heart disease is a promising therapeutic avenue, but it is mostly restricted to viral-based delivery approaches which are limited due to off-target immunological responses. Focused ultrasound presents a non-viral, image-guided technique in which circulating intravascular microbubble contrast agents can reversibly enhance va ...
Article GUID: 39850318
Author(s): van den Bos W; Bruckner R; Nassar MR; Mata R; Eppinger B;
In recent years, the application of computational modeling in studies on age-related changes in decision making and learning has gained in popularity. One advantage of computational models is that they provide access to latent variables that cannot be directly observed from behavior. In combination with experimental manipulations, these latent variables c ...
Article GUID: 29066078
Author(s): Rice DB; Kloda LA; Levis B; Qi B; Kingsland E; Thombs BD;
Objective: Database searches for studies of diagnostic test accuracy are notoriously difficult to filter, highly resource-intensive, and a potential barrier to quality evidence synthesis. We examined published meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy to evaluate the (1) proportion of included primary studies found in any online database in the ...
Article GUID: 27411746
Author(s): Joyce MM; Teichroeb JA; Kaigaishi Y; Stewart BM; Yamada K; Turner SE;
Animals must make route choices every day when moving through their habitat while foraging. Choosing an optimal route can be cognitively costly, and primates and other animals have been shown to use simple heuristics, "rules of thumb", to make foraging route choices. We investigated the potential use of heuristics among foraging free-ranging Japanese monk ...
Article GUID: 37278740
Author(s): Lacasse JM; Boulos V; Fisher C; Hamilton S; Heron M; Mac Cionnaith CE; Peronace V; Tito N; Brake WG;
During maze navigation rats can rely on hippocampus-mediated place memory or striatum-mediated response memory. Ovarian hormones bias whether females use place or response memory to reach a reward. Here, we investigated the impact of the contraceptive hormones, ethinyl estradiol (EE) and levonorg ...
Article GUID: 36403510
Author(s): Olivier E; Morin AJS; Tardif-Grenier K; Archambault I; Dupéré V; Hébert C;
Most existing studies investigating profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls do not consider the high cooccurrence between them, which prevents from identifying how heterogeneous groups might distinctly use coping strategies. To address this gap, the current study relies on a sample of 976 adolescents (56.0% girls (n = 547) ...
Article GUID: 35038084
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