Author(s): Madriaza P; Hassan G; Brouillette-Alarie S; Mounchingam AN; Durocher-Corfa L; Borokhovski E; Pickup D; Paillé S;
The problem: People use social media platforms to chat, search, and share information, express their opinions, and connect with others. But these platforms also facilitate the posting of divisive, harmful, and hateful messages, targeting groups and individuals, based on their race, religion, gend ...
Article GUID: 39822240
Author(s): Young S; MacDonald H; Louden D; Ellis UM; Premji Z; Rogers M; Bethel A; Pickup D;
The search methods used in systematic reviews provide the foundation for establishing the body of literature from which conclusions are drawn and recommendations made. Searches should aim to be comprehensive and reporting of search methods should be transparent and reproducible. Campbell Collaboration systematic reviews strive to adhere to the best method ...
Article GUID: 39176233
Author(s): Hamzavi Y; Khodayari MT; Davari A; Shiee MR; Karamati SA; Raeghi S; Jabarmanesh H; Bashiri H; Bozorgomid A;
Rodents are the largest group of mammals that adapt to different ecosystems and may act as the potential reservoirs of significant pathogens including gastrointestinal (GI) helminths. Rodent-borne parasitic pathogens have been and remain a great concern for animal and human health. The aim of thi ...
Article GUID: 38845951
Author(s): Delisle VC; Gumuchian ST; Kloda LA; Boruff J; El-Baalbaki G; Körner A; Malcarne VL; Thombs BD;
Objective: Peer facilitators play an important role in determining the success of many support groups for patients with medical illnesses. However, many facilitators do not receive training for their role and report a number of challenges in fulfilling their responsibilities. The ...
Article GUID: 27856483
Author(s): Dumassais S; Pichora-Fuller MK; Guthrie D; Phillips NA; Savundranayagam M; Wittich W;
Background: Dual sensory impairment (DSI), the combination of visual and hearing impairments, is associated with increased risk for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Administering cognitive tests to individuals with sensory impairment is challenging because most cognitive measures require sufficient hearing and vision. Considering sensory limita ...
Article GUID: 38506649
Author(s): Turcotte S; Bouchard C; Rousseau J; DeBroux Leduc R; Bier N; Kairy D; Dang-Vu TT; Sarimanukoglu K; Dubé F; Bourgeois Racine C; Rioux C; Shea C; Filiatrault J;
Objective: To identify facilitators and barriers to older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion. Methods: Relevant articles were searched using keywords in Embase and MEDLINE. Study characteristics, type of telehealth interventions and ...
Article GUID: 38014903
Author(s): Robbie Woods
CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptom scores reduced substantially following surgery; comparable decreases occurred 6 through 24 months after surgery. These findings can help inform practitioners of the typical evolution of depressive symptoms following surgery and where deviations from this may require additional intervention.
Article GUID: 36823768
Author(s): Cénat JM; Noorishad PG; Bakombo SM; Onesi O; Mesbahi A; Darius WP; Caulley L; Yaya S; Chomienne MH; Etowa J; Venkatesh V; Dalexis RD; Pongou R; Labelle PR;
Black communities have been disproportionately impacted by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Canada, in terms of both number of infections and mortality rates. Yet, according to early studies, vaccine hesitancy appears to be higher in Black communities. The purpose of this systematic review ...
Article GUID: 36423032
Author(s): Frimpong E; Mograss M; Zvionow T; Dang-Vu TT;
Moderate-intensity exercise is generally recommended for improving sleep, whereas, high-intensity exercise (HIE) prior to bedtime is often discouraged. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine if acute or regular (chronic) HIE performed before bedtime disrupts nighttime sleep of healthy adult, good sleepers compared with a no-exerci ...
Article GUID: 34416428
Author(s): Jacob A; Journiac J; Fischer L; Astrologo L; Flahault C;
Improved treatments for cystic fibrosis allow more patients to become parents. This article presents a systematic review of literature on cystic fibrosis patients' experience of parenthood. Five databases (Cairn, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, PubMed and ScienceDirect) produced 2335 documents that were screened. In total, 13 documents were retained and a ...
Article GUID: 32431218
Author(s): Wu Y; Levis B; Riehm KE; Saadat N; Levis AW; Azar M; Rice DB; Boruff J; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; McMillan D; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstein RC; Akena DH; Arroll B; Ayalon L; Baradaran HR; Baron M; Bombardier CH; ...
Background: Item 9 of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) queries about thoughts of death and self-harm, but not suicidality. Although it is sometimes used to assess suicide risk, most positive responses are not associated with suicidality. The PHQ-8, which omits Item 9, is thus increasing ...
Article GUID: 31298180
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