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A database of magnetic resonance imaging-transcranial ultrasound co-registration

Author(s): Alizadeh M; Collins DL; Kersten-Oertel M; Xiao Y;

Purpose: As a portable and cost-effective imaging modality with better accessibility than Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), transcranial sonography (TCS) has demonstrated its flexibility and potential utility in various clinical diagnostic applications, including Parkinson's disease and cerebrovascular conditions. To better understand the information ...

Article GUID: 39920905

Flow rate modulates focused ultrasound-mediated vascular delivery of microRNA

Author(s): He S; Singh D; Helfield B;

Gene therapy targeting ischemic heart disease is a promising therapeutic avenue, but it is mostly restricted to viral-based delivery approaches which are limited due to off-target immunological responses. Focused ultrasound presents a non-viral, image-guided technique in which circulating intravascular microbubble contrast agents can reversibly enhance va ...

Article GUID: 39850318

The effect of micro-vessel viscosity on the resonance response of a two-microbubble system

Author(s): Yusefi H; Helfield B;

Clinical ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles remain intravascular and are between 1-8 µm in diameter, with a volume-weighted mean size of 2-3 µm. Despite their worldwide clinical utility as a diagnostic contrast agent, and their continued and ongoing success as a local therapeutic vector, the fundamental interplay between microbubbles - including bubbl ...

Article GUID: 39705920

Design, manufacturing, and multi-modal imaging of stereolithography 3D printed flexible intracranial aneurysm phantoms

Author(s): Yalman A; Jafari A; Léger É; Mastroianni MA; Teimouri K; Savoji H; Collins DL; Kadem L; Xiao Y;

Background: Physical vascular phantoms are instrumental in studying intracranial aneurysms and testing relevant imaging tools and training systems to provide improved clinical care. Current vascular phantom production methods have major limitations in capturing the biophysical and morphological c ...

Article GUID: 39546636

Open access segmentations of intraoperative brain tumor ultrasound images

Author(s): Behboodi B; Carton FX; Chabanas M; de Ribaupierre S; Solheim O; Munkvold BKR; Rivaz H; Xiao Y; Reinertsen I;

Purpose: Registration and segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) and ultrasound (US) images could play an essential role in surgical planning and resectioning brain tumors. However, validating these techniques is challenging due to the scarcity of publicly accessible sources with high-quality gr ...

Article GUID: 39047165

Shear stress preconditioning and microbubble flow pattern modulate ultrasound-assisted plasma membrane permeabilization

Author(s): Memari E; Helfield B;

The recent and exciting success of anti-inflammatory therapies for ischemic heart disease (e.g. atherosclerosis) is hindered by the lack of site-specific and targeted therapeutic deposition. Microbubble-mediated focused ultrasound, which uses circulating, lipid-encapsulated intravascular microbubbles to locally enhance endothelial permeability, offers an ...

Article GUID: 38988819

Cardiac gene delivery using ultrasound: State of the field

Author(s): Singh D; Memari E; He S; Yusefi H; Helfield B;

Over the past two decades, there has been tremendous and exciting progress toward extending the use of medical ultrasound beyond a traditional imaging tool. Ultrasound contrast agents, typically used for improved visualization of blood flow, have been explored as novel non-viral gene delivery vectors for cardiovascular therapy. Given this adaptation to ul ...

Article GUID: 38983873

Simulating federated learning for steatosis detection using ultrasound images

Author(s): Qi Y; Vianna P; Cadrin-Chênevert A; Blanchet K; Montagnon E; Belilovsky E; Wolf G; Mullie LA; Cloutier G; Chassé M; Tang A;

We aimed to implement four data partitioning strategies evaluated with four federated learning (FL) algorithms and investigate the impact of data distribution on FL model performance in detecting steatosis using B-mode US images. A private dataset (153 patients; 1530 images) and a public dataset ...

Article GUID: 38858500

Subharmonic resonance of phospholipid coated ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles

Author(s): Yusefi H; Helfield B;

Phospholipid encapsulated ultrasound contrast agents have proven to be a powerful addition in diagnostic imaging and show emerging applications in targeted therapy due to their resonant and nonlinear scattering. Microbubble response is affected by their intrinsic (e.g. bubble size, encapsulation physics) and extrinsic (e.g. boundaries) factors. One of the ...

Article GUID: 38217906

Alternating direction method of multipliers for displacement estimation in ultrasound strain elastography

Author(s): Md Ashikuzzaman

CONCLUSIONS: A novel ultrasonic displacement tracking algorithm named ALTRUIST has been developed. The principal novelty of ALTRUIST is incorporating ADMM for optimizing an L 1 $L1$ -norm regularization-based cost function. ALTRUIST exhibits promising performance in simulation, phantom, and in vivo experiments.

Article GUID: 38159299

The Effects of Combined Motor Control and Isolated Extensor Strengthening versus General Exercise on Paraspinal Muscle Morphology, Composition, and Function in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Montpetit C; Burdick J; Naghdi N; Rosenstein B; Bertrand C; Macedo LG; Elliott JM; Dover G; DeMont R; Weber MH; Pepin V;

Low back pain (LBP), a globally widespread and persistent musculoskeletal disorder, benefits from exercise therapy. However, it remains unclear which type leads to greater changes in paraspinal muscle health. This study aimed to (1) compare the effects of a combined motor control and isolated lum ...

Article GUID: 37762861

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