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De novo evolution of antibiotic resistance to Oct-TriA1

Author(s): Chowdhury FR; Mercado LD; Kharitonov K; Findlay BL;

The rise of antimicrobial resistance as a global health concern has led to a strong interest in compounds able to inhibit the growth of bacteria without detectable levels of resistance evolution. A number of these compounds have been reported in recent years, including the tridecaptins, a small family of lipopeptides typified by the synthetic analogue oct ...

Article GUID: 39832423

Rheological Assessment of Oil-Xanthan Emulsions in Terms of Complex, Storage, and Loss Moduli

Author(s): Ghannam MT; Selim MYE; Zekri AY; Esmail N;

This experimental assessment was carried out to study the viscoelastic performance of crude oil-xanthan emulsions employing a RheoStress RS100 rheometer. Crude oil with a concentration range of 0-75% by volume was used to prepare the oil-gum emulsions. Two xanthan gums of Sigma and Kelzan were added in the emulsions with concentration ranges of 0-104 ppm. ...

Article GUID: 36679350

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