Author(s): He S; Singh D; Helfield B;
Gene therapy targeting ischemic heart disease is a promising therapeutic avenue, but it is mostly restricted to viral-based delivery approaches which are limited due to off-target immunological responses. Focused ultrasound presents a non-viral, image-guided technique in which circulating intravascular microbubble contrast agents can reversibly enhance va ...
Article GUID: 39850318
Author(s): Singh D; Memari E; He S; Yusefi H; Helfield B;
Over the past two decades, there has been tremendous and exciting progress toward extending the use of medical ultrasound beyond a traditional imaging tool. Ultrasound contrast agents, typically used for improved visualization of blood flow, have been explored as novel non-viral gene delivery vectors for cardiovascular therapy. Given this adaptation to ul ...
Article GUID: 38983873
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