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Using an Affordable Motion Capture System to Evaluate the Prognostic Value of Drop Vertical Jump Parameters for Noncontact ACL Injury

Author(s): Jason Corban, Nicolaos Karatzas, Kevin Y Zhao, Athanasios Babouras, Stephane Bergeron, Thomas Fevens, Hassan Rivaz, Paul A Martineau

CONCLUSION: Increased peak coronal angle and decreased peak sagittal angle during a DVJ were significantly associated with increased risk for noncontact ACL injury. Based on ROC analysis, initial coronal angle showed good prognostic ability, whereas peak coronal angle and peak sagittal flexion pr ...

Article GUID: 36790216

Knee joint kinematics and neuromuscular responses in female athletes during and after multi-directional perturbations.

Author(s): Damavandi M, Mahendrarajah L, Dixon PC, DeMont R

Hum Mov Sci. 2020 Apr;70:102596 Authors: Damavandi M, Mahendrarajah L, Dixon PC, DeMont R

Article GUID: 32217214

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