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Elucidating the size distribution of p‑Phenylenediamine-Derived quinones in atmospheric particles

Author(s): Xia K; Qin M; Han M; Zhang X; Wu X; Liu M; Liu S; Wang X; Liu W; Xie Z; Yuan R; Liu Q;

Transformed from p-phenylenediamines (PPDs) antioxidant, PPD-derived quinones (PPD-Qs) have recently been recognized as emerging contaminants due to their potential negative impacts on the environment and human health. While there have been measurements of airborne PPD-Qs, the size distribution of PPD-Qs and the impact of particle size on PPD transformati ...

Article GUID: 39978217

Emerging hazardous chemicals and biological pollutants in Canadian aquatic systems and remediation approaches: A comprehensive status report

Author(s): Adeola AO; Paramo L; Fuoco G; Naccache R;

Emerging contaminants can be natural or synthetic materials, as well as materials of a chemical, or biological origin; these materials are typically not controlled or monitored in the environment. Canada is home to nearly 7 % of the world's renewable water supply and a wide range of different kinds of water systems, including the Great Lake, rivers, c ...

Article GUID: 39278485

Integrative approach to mitigate chromium toxicity in soil and enhance antioxidant activities in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using magnesium-iron nanocomposite and Staphylococcus aureus strains

Author(s): Ali MA; Sardar MF; Dar AA; Niaz M; Ali J; Wang Q; Zheng Y; Luo Y; Albasher G; Li F;

Pollutants in soil, particularly chromium (Cr), pose high environmental and health risks due to their persistence, bioavailability, and potential for causing toxicity. Cr impairment in plants act as a deleterious environmental pollutant that enters the food chain and eventually disturbs human health. Current study demonstrated the potential of integrative ...

Article GUID: 39190219

Efficient Decaffeination with Recyclable Magnetic Microporous Carbon from Renewable Sources: Kinetics and Isotherm Analysis

Author(s): Duarte MP; Adeola AO; Fuoco G; Jargaille TJ; Naccache R;

Rapid global urbanization and population growth have ignited an alarming surge in emerging contaminants in water bodies, posing health risks, even at trace concentrations. To address this challenge, novel water treatment and reuse technologies are required as current treatment systems are associated with high costs and energy requirements. These drawbacks ...

Article GUID: 38909946

Toward a Culturally Responsive Model of Mental Health Literacy: Facilitating Help-Seeking Among East Asian Immigrants to North America

Author(s): Na S; Ryder AG; Kirmayer LJ;

Studies have consistently found that East Asian immigrants in North America are less likely to use mental health services even when they experience levels of distress comparable to Euro-Americans. Although cultural factors that may prevent East Asian immigrants from seeking mental health care have been identified, few studies have explored ways to foster ...

Article GUID: 27596560

Cumulative Effects of Watershed Disturbances and Run-of-river Dams on Mercury Cycling: Case Study and Recommendations for Environmental Managers

Author(s): Amyot M; Bilodeau F; Tremblay A; Planas D; Walsh D; Ponton DE;

Run-of-river power plants (ROR) represent the majority of hydroelectric plants worldwide. Their environmental impacts are not well documented and are believed to be limited, particularly regarding the contamination of food webs by methylmercury (MeHg), a neurotoxin. RORs are typically installed in small rivers where combined effects of watershed disturban ...

Article GUID: 38775830

From wastewater to clean water: Recent advances on the removal of metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and sulfamethoxazole antibiotics from water through adsorption and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)

Author(s): Gahrouei AE; Vakili S; Zandifar A; Pourebrahimi S;

Antibiotics released into water sources pose significant risks to both human health and the environment. This comprehensive review meticulously examines the ecotoxicological impacts of three prevalent antibiotics-ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and sulfamethoxazole-on the ecosystems. Within this framework, our primary focus revolves around the key remediati ...

Article GUID: 38685299

Dynamics of soil biota and nutrients at varied depths in a Tamarix ramosissima-dominated natural desert ecosystem: Implications for nutrient cycling and desertification management

Author(s): Islam W; Zeng F; Ahmed Dar A; Sohail Yousaf M;

The underground community of soil organisms, known as soil biota, plays a critical role in terrestrial ecosystems. Different ecosystems exhibit varied responses of soil organisms to soil physical and chemical properties (SPCPs). However, our understanding of how soil biota react to different soil depths in naturally established population of salinity tole ...

Article GUID: 38340666

Discovery of an adjuvant that resensitizes polymyxin B-resistant bacteria

Author(s): Mahdavi M; Findlay BL;

Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a major threat to health, increasing mortality rates and straining health systems worldwide. Adjuvants targeted to beta-lactamase function are able to resensitize bacteria to beta-lactam antibiotics, but there is comparatively little research into the use of adjuvants against other resistance phenotyp ...

Article GUID: 38096681

Cognates are advantaged over non-cognates in early bilingual expressive vocabulary development

Author(s): Mitchell L; Tsui RK; Byers-Heinlein K;

Bilinguals need to learn two words for most concepts. These words are called translation equivalents, and those that also sound similar (e.g., banana-banane) are called cognates. Research has consistently shown that children and adults process and name cognates more easily than non-cognates. The present study explored if there is such an advantage for cog ...

Article GUID: 38087835

New Megastigmane and Polyphenolic Components of Henna Leaves and Their Tumor-Specific Cytotoxicity on Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cell Lines

Author(s): Orabi MAA; Orabi EA; Awadh AAA; Alshahrani MM; Abdel-Wahab BA; Sakagami H; Hatano T;

Polyphenols have a variety of phenolic hydroxyl and carbonyl functionalities that enable them to scavenge many oxidants, thereby preserving the human redox balance and preventing a number of oxidative stress-related chronic degenerative diseases. In our ongoing investigation of polyphenol-rich plants in search of novel molecules, we resumed the investigat ...

Article GUID: 38001804

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