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Brain serotonin, oxytocin, and their interaction: Relevance for eating disorders

Author(s): Ismaylova E; Nemoda Z; Booij L;

Introduction: Eating disorders are characterized by maladaptive eating behaviors and preoccupations around body shape, weight, and eating. The serotonin system has been among the most widely studied neurobiological factors in relation to eating disorders. Recent research also highlighted the role of oxytocin. Aims and methods: This article aims to review ...

Article GUID: 39745000

Rethinking narratives about youth experiencing homelessness: The influence of self-determined motivation and peer relations on coping

Author(s): Napoleon JS; Weva VK; Evans DW; Namdari R; Francois T; Sherman J; Morisseau N; Lafontant E; Atkinson K; Miller S; Kidd SA; Burack JA;

Using the cognitive appraisal theory of coping and the self-determination theory of motivation, we examined the shared variance of motivational orientations, attachment relationships, and gender on adaptive and maladaptive coping among youth experiencing homelessness. Several scales including The ...

Article GUID: 38031717

Attachment style and changes in systemic inflammation following migration to a new country among international students.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Attach Hum Dev. 2019 Feb;21(1):38-56 Authors: Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Article GUID: 30406717

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