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Understanding the Components of Eating Behaviour-Focused Weight Management Interventions Adjunct to Metabolic Bariatric Surgery: Systematic Review of Published Literature

Author(s): Yousefi R; Ben-Porat T; O' Neill J; Boucher VG; Stojanovic J; Fortin A; Lavoie KL; Bacon SL;

Purpose of review: Eating behaviour-focused interventions are essential for improving health and weight-related outcomes in patients undergoing metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS). This work aims to examine the content of eating behaviour-focused weight management interventions adjunct to MBS in te ...

Article GUID: 39753946

Ending the Pandemic: How Behavioural Science Can Help Optimize Global COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

Author(s): Vallis M; Bacon S; Corace K; Joyal-Desmarais K; Sheinfeld Gorin S; Paduano S; Presseau J; Rash J; Mengistu Yohannes A; Lavoie K;

Governments, public health officials and pharmaceutical companies have all mobilized resources to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns, social distancing, and personal protective behaviours have been helpful but have shut down economies and disrupted normal activities. Vaccinations protect po ...

Article GUID: 35062668

Identifying and addressing psychosocial determinants of adherence to physical distancing guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic - project protocol.

Author(s): Durand H, Bacon SL, Byrne M, Kenny E, Lavoie KL, McGuire BE, Mc Sharry J, Meade O, Mooney R, Noone C, O'Connor LL, O'Flaherty K, Molloy GJ

Optimising public health physical distancing measures has been a critical part of the global response to the spread of COVID-19. Evidence collected during the current pandemic shows that the transmission rate of the virus is significantly reduced following implementation of intensive physical dis ...

Article GUID: 33490860

Socio-demographic, social, cognitive, and emotional correlates of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S, Switzer A, Carrese-Chacra E, Durif F, Knäuper B

OBJECTIVES: In order for physical distancing directives to be effective at lowering and flattening the epidemic peak during a pandemic, individuals must adhere to confinement guidelines. Recent reviews highlight the paucity of research on empirical correlates of adherence to physical distancing and quarantine directives. METHODS: In this cross-sectional s ...

Article GUID: 33464556

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