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Sleep spindles and slow oscillations predict cognition and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;

Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Using data from a prospective cohort of mild to moderate AD (n = 60), we analyzed non-rapid eye moveme ...

Article GUID: 39878233

Isotopic and molecular analyses of n-alkanes in a temporal study of coastal sediment contributions to organic carbon degradation induced by algal bloom and terrestrial runoff

Author(s): Mirzaei Y; Douglas PMJ; Gélinas Y;

The priming effect (PE) refers to the enhanced remineralization of recalcitrant organic carbon (OC) driven by the respiration of labile OC, potentially increasing CO2 fluxes from aquatic ecosystems. Patterns of PE induced by marine and terrestrial OC inputs can be explored through sedimentary contributions to the degraded OC pool. In this study, coastal s ...

Article GUID: 39700996

Alzheimer's early detection in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: a systematic review and expert consensus on preclinical assessments

Author(s): Vandersteen C; Plonka A; Manera V; Sawchuk K; Lafontaine C; Galery K; Rouaud O; Bengaied N; Launay C; Guérin O; Robert P; Allali G; Beauchet O; Gros A;

Introduction: The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in older adults increasingly is being discussed in the literature on Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS). Remote digital Assessments for Preclinical AD (RAPAs) are becoming more important in screening for early AD, and should alway ...

Article GUID: 37416323

Tools and Techniques for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)/COVID-19 Detection

Author(s): Safiabadi Tali SH; LeBlanc JJ; Sadiq Z; Oyewunmi OD; Camargo C; Nikpour B; Armanfard N; Sagan SM; Jahanshahi-Anbuhi S;

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has led to millions of confirmed cases and deaths worldwide. Efficient diagnostic tools are in high demand, as rapid and large-scale testing plays a pivotal role in patient man ...

Article GUID: 33980687

Evidence of a Relation Between Hippocampal Volume, White Matter Hyperintensities, and Cognition in Subjective Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Author(s): Caillaud M; Hudon C; Boller B; Brambati S; Duchesne S; Lorrain D; Gagnon JF; Maltezos S; Mellah S; Phillips N; Belleville S;

Objective: The concepts of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD) have been proposed to identify individuals in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD), or other neurodegenerative diseases. One approach to validate these concepts is to investigate the rela ...

Article GUID: 31758692

The Comprehensive Assessment of Neurodegeneration and Dementia: Canadian Cohort Study.

Author(s): Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsiung GR, Camicioli R, Smith EE, Fogarty J, Lindsay J, Best S, Evans A, Das S, Mohaddes Z, Pilon R, ...

Can J Neurol Sci. 2019 Jul 16;:1-13 Authors: Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsiung GR, Camicioli R, Smith EE, Fogarty J, Lindsay J, Best S, Evans A, Das S, Mohaddes Z, Pilon R, Poirier J, Ph ...

Article GUID: 31309917

Parental Nutrition Knowledge Rather Than Nutrition Label Use Is Associated With Adiposity in Children.

Author(s): Kakinami L, Houle-Johnson S, McGrath JJ

J Nutr Educ Behav. 2016 Jul-Aug;48(7):461-467.e1 Authors: Kakinami L, Houle-Johnson S, McGrath JJ

Article GUID: 27373860

Sleep spindles may predict response to cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia

Author(s): Dang-Vu TT; Hatch B; Salimi A; Mograss M; Boucetta S; O' Byrne J; Brandewinder M; Berthomier C; Gouin JP;

Background: While cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia constitutes the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, only few reports have investigated how sleep architecture relates to response to this treatment. In this pilot study, we aimed to determine whether pre-treatment sleep spindle de ...

Article GUID: 29157588

Gross Motor Skills Training Leads to Increased Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Healthy Older Adults: A Pilot Study.

Author(s): Grégoire CA, Berryman N, St-Onge F, Vu TTM, Bosquet L, Arbour N, Bherer L

Front Physiol. 2019;10:410 Authors: Grégoire CA, Berryman N, St-Onge F, Vu TTM, Bosquet L, Arbour N, Bherer L

Article GUID: 31031639

Biomarkers, designs, and interpretations of resting-state fMRI in translational pharmacological research: A review of state-of-the-Art, challenges, and opportunities for studying brain chemistry.

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N, Rombouts SA, van Osch MJ, Duff EP, Carbonell F, Nickerson LD, Becerra L, Dahan A, Evans AC, Soucy JP, Wise R, Zijdenbos AP, van Gerven JM

Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 04;38(4):2276-2325 Authors: Khalili-Mahani N, Rombouts SA, van Osch MJ, Duff EP, Carbonell F, Nickerson LD, Becerra L, Dahan A, Evans AC, Soucy JP, Wise R, Zijdenbos AP, van Gerven JM

Article GUID: 28145075

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