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Recyclability and recovery of carbon from waste printed circuit boards within a circular economy perspective: A review

Author(s): Wang Z; Huang G; An C;

Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) are a significant component of electronic waste (e-waste) and are among the fastest-generating waste flows. The potentially negative impacts caused by e-waste on the environment and human health pose an increasingly apparent threat to people's everyday lives and well-being. The nonmetallic fraction (predominantly c ...

Article GUID: 39862821

Leadership and Governance in Times of Crisis: A Balancing Act for Nonprofit Boards.

Author(s): McMullin C, Raggo P

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the roles of nonprofit boards? We reflect critically on the leadership and management activities of boards to understand the implications of the current crisis on governance. Employing a contingency approach to governance, we present a model of boards of directors' leadership and management roles under four gover ...

Article GUID: 33424116

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