Author(s): Teel E; Brossard-Racine M; Corbin-Berrigan LA; Gagnon I;
Objective: To determine if performance on symptom, cognitive, balance, fatigue, physical activity, and quality of life outcomes at 4-weeks post-injury in children with concussion differs based on acute 5P risk classification. Design: Prospective cohort. Setting: Laboratory. Patients: Sixty-two children (age: 13.27 ± 2.50 years; 29 (46.7%) females) with ...
Article GUID: 39988038
Author(s): Lau AS; Lind T; Cox J; Motamedi M; Lui JHL; Chlebowski C; Flores A; Diaz D; Roesch S; Brookman-Frazee L;
Pragmatic measures of evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation can support and evaluate implementation efforts. We examined the predictive validity of therapist reports of EBP strategy delivery for children's mental health outcomes. Data were obtained from 1,380 sessions with 248 children ...
Article GUID: 39096408
Author(s): Trespalacios F; Boyle A; Serravalle L; Hodgins S; Ellenbogen MA;
Background: The offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) are at higher risk of developing psychopathology than the offspring of parents with no affective disorder (control). In addition to genetic predisposition, childhood adversity and a stressful family environment are important risk factors for the OBD. Protective factors in parents, such as so ...
Article GUID: 39066987
Author(s): Fairbank EJ; Borenstein-Laurie J; Alberts NM; Wrosch C;
Objective: High levels of optimism (and low levels of pessimism) are associated with improved physical health in adults. However, relatively less is known about these relations in youth. The present study aimed to review the literature investigating optimism, pessimism, and physical health in children and adolescents from populations with and without heal ...
Article GUID: 38879445
Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;
Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...
Article GUID: 38846536
Author(s): D' Amico M; Denov M; Khan F; Linds W; Akesson B;
Global health research typically relies on the translation of knowledge (from health professionals to the community) and the dissemination of knowledge (from research results to the wider public). However, Greenhalgh and Wieringa [2011. Is it time to drop the 'knowledge translation' metaphor? A critical literature review. Journal of the Royal Soci ...
Article GUID: 27043374
Author(s): Linkiewich D; Martinovich VV; Rinaldi CM; Howe N; Gokiert R;
This study evaluated the relationship between parental autonomy support and preschool-aged children's display of autonomy. Specifically, we examined if mothers' and fathers' use of positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness during parent-child interactions predicted children's autonomous behavior. One hundred families comprise ...
Article GUID: 33691509
Author(s): Maïano C; Morin AJS; April J; Tietjens M; St-Jean C; Gagnon C; Dreiskämper D; Aimé A;
In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of a French version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood (PMC-C) questionnaire. The participants were 219 French-speaking children (aged 5-12 years), recruited from elementary schools in the Canadian Province of Quebec. Results supported the validity and reliability of a second-order confirm ...
Article GUID: 33765895
Author(s): Sander-Montant A; López Pérez M; Byers-Heinlein K;
Children have an early ability to learn and comprehend words, a skill that develops as they age. A critical question remains regarding what drives this development. Maturation-based theories emphasise cognitive maturity as a driver of comprehension, while accumulator theories emphasise children's accumulation of language experience over time. In this ...
Article GUID: 37402336
Author(s): Tuerk C; Saha T; Bouchard MF; Booij L;
Objective: Cognitive functioning is essential to well-being. Since cognitive difficulties are common in many disorders, their early identification is critical, notably during childhood and adolescence. This scoping review aims to provide a comprehensive literature overview of computerized cognitive test batteries (CCTB) that have been developed and used i ...
Article GUID: 37259540
Author(s): Alberga AS; Edache IY; Sigal RJ; von Ranson KM; Russell-Mayhew S; Kenny GP; Doucette S; Prud' homme D; Hadjiyannakis S; Cameron JD; Goldfield GS;
Background: There are well-recognized benefits of behavioral interventions that include exercise for children and adolescents with obesity. However, such behavioral weight management programs may precipitate unintended consequences. It is unclear if different exercise modalities impact eating beh ...
Article GUID: 37034563
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