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Sleep spindles and slow oscillations predict cognition and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Author(s): Páez A; Gillman SO; Dogaheh SB; Carnes A; Dakterzada F; Barbé F; Dang-Vu TT; Ripoll GP;

Introduction: Changes in sleep physiology can predate cognitive symptoms by decades in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but it remains unclear which sleep characteristics predict cognitive and neurodegenerative changes after AD onset. Methods: Using data from a prospective cohort of mild to moderate AD (n = 60), we analyzed non-rapid eye moveme ...

Article GUID: 39878233

Ingestion of polyethylene microplastics impacts cichlid behaviour despite having low retention time

Author(s): Felismino MEL; Chevallier Rufigny S; Gonzalez-Fleurant SE; Brown GE;

Microplastics, particles between 0.001 and 5 mm in diameter, are ubiquitous in the environment and their consumption by aquatic organisms is known to lead to a variety of adverse effects. However, studies on the effects of microplastics on prey fish have not shown consistent trends, with results varying across species and plastic type used. Here, we manip ...

Article GUID: 39862685

In Shift and In Variance: Assessing the Robustness of HAR Deep Learning Models Against Variability

Author(s): Khaked AA; Oishi N; Roggen D; Lago P;

Deep learning (DL)-based Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors can revolutionize continuous health monitoring and early disease prediction. However, most DL HAR models are untested in their robustness to real-world variability, as they are trained on limited lab-controlled data. In this study, we isolated ...

Article GUID: 39860799

Infants' Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study

Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...

Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...

Article GUID: 39600132

Effects of Cognition-based and Affect-based Trust Attitudes on Trust Intentions

Author(s): Gill H; Vreeker-Williamson E; Hing LS; Cassidy SA; Boies K;

Despite decades of research on trust in the workplace, researchers continue to struggle with fundamental questions regarding the conceptualization and measurement of organizational trust. To help clarify this construct, we revisit established trust definitions (Mayer et al. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734, Mayer et al., Academy of Management ...

Article GUID: 39507389

EEG-based study of design creativity: a review on research design, experiments, and analysis

Author(s): Zangeneh Soroush M; Zeng Y;

Brain dynamics associated with design creativity tasks are largely unexplored. Despite significant strides, there is a limited understanding of the brain-behavior during design creation tasks. The objective of this paper is to review the concepts of creativity and design creativity as well as their differences, and to explore the brain dynamics associated ...

Article GUID: 39148896

An Ecological Approach to Conceptual Thinking in Material Engagement

Author(s): Alessandroni N; Malafouris L; Gallagher S;

Although post-cognitivist approaches have shaken the status quo by emphasising the dynamic interactions among the brain, the body, and the environment in cognition, mainstream psychological theories continue to view concepts as primarily representational or skull-bound mental phenomena. As a result, the dynamics of action and the possible impact of materi ...

Article GUID: 39118997

Approaches to studying emotion using physiological responses to spoken narratives: A scoping review

Author(s): Savard MA; Merlo R; Samithamby A; Paas A; Coffey EBJ;

Narratives are effective tools for evoking emotions, and physiological measurements provide a means of objectively assessing emotional reactions - making them a potentially powerful pair of tools for studying emotional processes. However, extent research combining emotional narratives and physiological measurement varies widely in design and application, ...

Article GUID: 38961524

Exposure to humans and task difficulty levels affect wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) learning

Author(s): Lazure L; Weladji RB;

Cognition helps wildlife exploit novel resources and environments. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) have successfully adapted to human presence, in part due to their cognitive abilities. However, interactions between humans and wildlife can create conflict. A better understanding of the raccoon's behavioral flexibility and learning ability could mitigate some ...

Article GUID: 38912327

Translating the Interplay of Cognition and Physical Performance in COPD and Interstitial Lung Disease: Meeting Report and Literature Review

Author(s): Rozenberg D; Reid WD; Camp P; Campos JL; Dechman G; Davenport PW; Egan H; Fisher JH; Guenette JA; Gold D; Goldstein RS; Goodridge D; Janaudis-Ferreira T; Kaplan AG; Langer D; Marciniuk DD; Moore B; Orchanian-Cheff A; Otoo-Appiah J; Pepin ...

Topic importance: Cognitive and physical limitations are common in individuals with chronic lung diseases, but their interactions with physical function and activities of daily living are not well characterized. Understanding these interactions and potential contributors may provide insights on d ...

Article GUID: 38901488

The effects of competition and implicit power motive on men's testosterone, emotion recognition, and aggression

Author(s): Vongas JG; Al Hajj R;

A contribution to a special issue on Hormones and Human Competition. We investigated the effects of competition on men's testosterone levels and assessed whether androgen reactivity was associated with subsequent emotion recognition and reactive and proactive aggression. We also explored whether personalized power (p Power) moderated these relationshi ...

Article GUID: 28455183

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