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Psychosocial Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Social Participation is Associated With Cognitive Performance in Multiple Domains

Author(s): Rehan S; Phillips NA;

Psychosocial function is associated with cognitive performance cross-sectionally and cognitive decline over time. Using data from the COMPASS-ND study, we examined associations between psychosocial and cognitive function in 126 individuals with mild cognitive impairment, an at-risk group for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Psychosocial function was measured ...

Article GUID: 39773214

The role of frailty in the relationships between social relationships and health outcomes: a longitudinal study

Author(s): Fereshteh Mehrabi

CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that changes in social support have a protective and compensatory role in decreasing depressive symptoms and enhancing cognitive health among older adults with increasing frailty. Public health policy and strategies should consider the impact of social support on multiple health outcomes among older adults with increasing ...

Article GUID: 38402184

Computerized Cognitive Test Batteries for Children and Adolescents-A Scoping Review of Tools For Lab- and Web-Based Settings From 2000 to 2021

Author(s): Tuerk C; Saha T; Bouchard MF; Booij L;

Objective: Cognitive functioning is essential to well-being. Since cognitive difficulties are common in many disorders, their early identification is critical, notably during childhood and adolescence. This scoping review aims to provide a comprehensive literature overview of computerized cognitive test batteries (CCTB) that have been developed and used i ...

Article GUID: 37259540

Glycemic extremes are related to cognitive dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes: A meta-analysis

Author(s): He J; Ryder AG; Li S; Liu W; Zhu X;

Aims/introduction: To examine the magnitude and pattern of cognitive dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes, and the possible effects associated with other disease variables, such as early onset diabetes, severe hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Materials and methods: We carried out a meta-analysis using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic R ...

Article GUID: 29573221

Sex differences in the relationship between dietary pattern adherence and cognitive function among older adults: findings from the NuAge study.

Author(s): D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Greenwood CE, Ferland G, Gaudreau P, Belleville S, Laurin D, Anderson ND, Kergoat MJ, Morais JA, Presse N, Fiocco AJ,

Nutr J. 2020 Jun 20;19(1):58 Authors: D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Greenwood CE, Ferland G, Gaudreau P, Belleville S, Laurin D, Anderson ND, Kergoat MJ, Morais JA, Presse N, Fiocco AJ

Article GUID: 32563260

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