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A scoping review of harm reduction practices and possibilities among indigenous populations in Australia, Canada, and the United States

Author(s): Zolopa C; Clifasefi SL; Dobischok S; Gala N; Fraser-Purdy H; Phillips MK; Blackmore S; Wendt DC;

Background: There is a great diversity of traditions, practices, and experiences among the Indigenous Peoples of North America and Oceania. However, Indigenous Peoples across these regions are affected by the historical and ongoing violence of settler colonialism, resulting in disproportionately ...

Article GUID: 39970577

Leveraging Personal Technologies in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Scoping Review

Author(s): D' Arcey J; Torous J; Asuncion TR; Tackaberry-Giddens L; Zahid A; Ishak M; Foussias G; Kidd S;

Background: Digital mental health is a rapidly growing field with an increasing evidence base due to its potential scalability and impacts on access to mental health care. Further, within underfunded service systems, leveraging personal technologies to deliver or support specialized service deliv ...

Article GUID: 39348196

Show me the evidence to guide nutrition practice: Scoping review of macronutrient dietary treatments after metabolic and bariatric surgery

Author(s): Parrott JM; Benson-Davies S; O' Kane M; Sherf-Dagan S; Ben-Porat T; Arcone VM; Faria SL; Parrott JS;

Background: Clinical practice recommendations for macronutrient intake in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (MBS) are insufficiently grounded in the research, possibly due to a paucity of research in key areas necessary to support macronutrient recommendations. An initial scoping r ...

Article GUID: 39262138

Optimism, pessimism, and physical health among youth: a scoping review

Author(s): Fairbank EJ; Borenstein-Laurie J; Alberts NM; Wrosch C;

Objective: High levels of optimism (and low levels of pessimism) are associated with improved physical health in adults. However, relatively less is known about these relations in youth. The present study aimed to review the literature investigating optimism, pessimism, and physical health in children and adolescents from populations with and without heal ...

Article GUID: 38879445

The interpersonal benefits of goal adjustment capacities: the sample case of coping with poor sleep in couples

Author(s): Meaghan A Barlow

INTRODUCTION: This study examined the role of goal adjustment capacities and coping in the association between spousal sleep efficiency and relationship satisfaction in romantic couples.

Article GUID: 38566936

Strategies used during the cognitive evaluation of older adults with dual sensory impairment: a scoping review

Author(s): Dumassais S; Pichora-Fuller MK; Guthrie D; Phillips NA; Savundranayagam M; Wittich W;

Background: Dual sensory impairment (DSI), the combination of visual and hearing impairments, is associated with increased risk for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Administering cognitive tests to individuals with sensory impairment is challenging because most cognitive measures require sufficient hearing and vision. Considering sensory limita ...

Article GUID: 38506649

Rethinking narratives about youth experiencing homelessness: The influence of self-determined motivation and peer relations on coping

Author(s): Napoleon JS; Weva VK; Evans DW; Namdari R; Francois T; Sherman J; Morisseau N; Lafontant E; Atkinson K; Miller S; Kidd SA; Burack JA;

Using the cognitive appraisal theory of coping and the self-determination theory of motivation, we examined the shared variance of motivational orientations, attachment relationships, and gender on adaptive and maladaptive coping among youth experiencing homelessness. Several scales including The ...

Article GUID: 38031717

Olfaction and reaction: The role of olfactory and hypothalamic investment in the antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues by northern redbelly dace

Author(s): Joyce BJ; Brown GE;

Neuroplasticity enables teleosts to promote or downregulate the growth of their brains regionally. To compensate for the effects of predation pressure, teleosts may alter their brain morphology and behavioral responses to mitigate its impact on individual fitness. High-predation environments often promote specific patterns of brain growth and produce bold ...

Article GUID: 37876646

Context-induced renewal of passive but not active coping behaviours in the shock-probe defensive burying task

Author(s): Alexa Brown

Renewal is the return of extinguished responding after removal from the extinction context. Renewal has been extensively studied using classical aversive conditioning procedures that measure a passive freezing response to an aversive conditioned stimulus. However, coping responses to aversive stimuli are complex and can be reflected in passive and active ...

Article GUID: 37095421

The association between information and communication technologies, loneliness and social connectedness: A scoping review

Author(s): Petersen B; Khalili-Mahani N; Murphy C; Sawchuk K; Phillips N; Li KZH; Hebblethwaite S;

Older adults are at a higher risk of loneliness, compared to other demographics. The use of Internet Communication and Technologies (ICTs) among older adults is steadily increasing and given ICTs provide a means of enhancing social connectedness suggests they may have positive effects on reducing loneliness. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was t ...

Article GUID: 37034933

Coping and Conformity Motives Mediate the Joint Effects of the Behavioral Inhibition and Approach Systems on Alcohol Problems in Young Adults

Author(s): Morris V; Keough MT; Stewart SH; O' Connor RM;

i>Background: Gray's original Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) posits that an oversensitive behavioral inhibition system (BIS) may increase risk for negative-reinforcement-motivated drinking, given its role in anxiety. However, existing data provides mixed support for the BIS-alcohol use association. The inconsistent evidence is not surprising, ...

Article GUID: 36943012

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