Author(s): Koirala N; Manning J; Neumann S; Anderson C; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Pugh K; Landi N; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;
Early hearing intervention in children with congenital hearing loss is critical for improving auditory development, speech recognition and both expressive and receptive language, which translates into better educational outcomes and quality of life. In children receiving hearing aids or cochlear ...
Article GUID: 40046341
Author(s): López Pérez M; Moore C; Sander-Montant A; Byers-Heinlein K;
Assessing early vocabulary development commonly involves parent report methods and behavioral tasks like looking-while-listening. While both yield reliable aggregate scores, findings are mixed regarding their reliability in measuring infants' knowledge of individual words. Using archival data from 126 monolingual and bilingual 14-31-month-olds, we fur ...
Article GUID: 39639457
Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...
Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...
Article GUID: 39600132
Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Archambault I; Correale L; Pagani LS;
Active play allows children to develop social and cognitive skills, which could lead to higher school engagement. Little is known about the role of child socioemotional difficulty in these associations. This study aims to examine the interaction between active play and socioemotional difficulty in childhood and their prospective association with academic ...
Article GUID: 39457326
Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;
The Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory (BALCI) was developed to assess negative beliefs about losing control in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since its creation, research and theoretical work support negative beliefs about losing control as a potential transdiagnostic construct. The present study revised and expanded the original BALCI to be mo ...
Article GUID: 39373713
Author(s): D' Arcey J; Torous J; Asuncion TR; Tackaberry-Giddens L; Zahid A; Ishak M; Foussias G; Kidd S;
Background: Digital mental health is a rapidly growing field with an increasing evidence base due to its potential scalability and impacts on access to mental health care. Further, within underfunded service systems, leveraging personal technologies to deliver or support specialized service deliv ...
Article GUID: 39348196
Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Fitzpatrick C; Correale L; Pagani LS;
ackground/Objectives: Physical activity is an important protective factor throughout life. However, little research has observed the associations between the practice of physical activity and academic success longitudinally, and none have done so with a pan-Canadian sample. This article aims to examine the prospective associations between active leisure i ...
Article GUID: 39334672
Author(s): Krause S; Radomsky AS;
Mental contamination refers to feelings of dirtiness and/or urges to wash that arise without direct contact with a contaminant. Cognitive models propose that this results from "serious, negative misappraisals of perceived violations". However, the specific violation misappraisals most relevant to mental contamination have yet to be established empirically ...
Article GUID: 39206950
Author(s): Trespalacios F; Boyle A; Serravalle L; Hodgins S; Ellenbogen MA;
Background: The offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) are at higher risk of developing psychopathology than the offspring of parents with no affective disorder (control). In addition to genetic predisposition, childhood adversity and a stressful family environment are important risk factors for the OBD. Protective factors in parents, such as so ...
Article GUID: 39066987
Author(s): Quirk E; Brouillard M; Ahooja A; Ballinger S; Polka L; Byers-Heinlein K; Kircher R;
Many parents express concerns for their children's multilingual development, yet little is known about the nature and strength of these concerns - especially among parents in multilingual societies. This pre-registered, questionnaire-based study addresses this gap by examining the concerns of 821 Quebec-based parents raising infants and toddlers aged ...
Article GUID: 39055771
Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;
Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...
Article GUID: 38846536
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