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Ingestion of polyethylene microplastics impacts cichlid behaviour despite having low retention time

Author(s): Felismino MEL; Chevallier Rufigny S; Gonzalez-Fleurant SE; Brown GE;

Microplastics, particles between 0.001 and 5 mm in diameter, are ubiquitous in the environment and their consumption by aquatic organisms is known to lead to a variety of adverse effects. However, studies on the effects of microplastics on prey fish have not shown consistent trends, with results varying across species and plastic type used. Here, we manip ...

Article GUID: 39862685

Exposure to humans and task difficulty levels affect wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) learning

Author(s): Lazure L; Weladji RB;

Cognition helps wildlife exploit novel resources and environments. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) have successfully adapted to human presence, in part due to their cognitive abilities. However, interactions between humans and wildlife can create conflict. A better understanding of the raccoon's behavioral flexibility and learning ability could mitigate some ...

Article GUID: 38912327

No food left behind: foraging route choices among free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in a multi-destination array at the Awajishima Monkey Center, Japan

Author(s): Joyce MM; Teichroeb JA; Kaigaishi Y; Stewart BM; Yamada K; Turner SE;

Animals must make route choices every day when moving through their habitat while foraging. Choosing an optimal route can be cognitively costly, and primates and other animals have been shown to use simple heuristics, "rules of thumb", to make foraging route choices. We investigated the potential use of heuristics among foraging free-ranging Japanese monk ...

Article GUID: 37278740

Competition for food in 2 populations of a wild-caught fish.

Author(s): Chuard PJC, Brown GE, Grant JWA

Curr Zool. 2018 Oct;64(5):615-622 Authors: Chuard PJC, Brown GE, Grant JWA

Article GUID: 30323840

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