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Implementation of a national programme to train and support healthcare professionals in brief behavioural interventions: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework

Author(s): Meade O; Aehlig L; O' Brien M; Lawless A; McSharry J; Dragomir A; Hart JK; Keyworth C; Lavoie KL; Byrne M;

Objectives: Behaviour change interventions offered opportunistically by healthcare professionals can support patient health behaviour change. The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme in Ireland is a national programme to support healthcare professionals to use brief behavioural interventio ...

Article GUID: 39815763

Validating a Pragmatic Measure of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Delivery: Therapist Reports of EBP Strategy Delivery and Associations with Child Outcome Trajectories

Author(s): Lau AS; Lind T; Cox J; Motamedi M; Lui JHL; Chlebowski C; Flores A; Diaz D; Roesch S; Brookman-Frazee L;

Pragmatic measures of evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation can support and evaluate implementation efforts. We examined the predictive validity of therapist reports of EBP strategy delivery for children's mental health outcomes. Data were obtained from 1,380 sessions with 248 children ...

Article GUID: 39096408

Expanding a Behavioral View on Digital Health Access: Drivers and Strategies to Promote Equity

Author(s): Kepper MM; Fowler LA; Kusters IS; Davis JW; Baqer M; Sagui-Henson S; Xiao Y; Tarfa A; Yi JC; Gibson B; Heron KE; Alberts NM; Burgermaster M; Njie-Carr VP; Klesges LM;

The potential and threat of digital tools to achieve health equity has been highlighted for over a decade, but the success of achieving equitable access to health technologies remains challenging. Our paper addresses renewed concerns regarding equity in digital health access that were deepened du ...

Article GUID: 39088246

Implementing deprescribing guidelines into frontline practice: Barriers and facilitators.

Author(s): Conklin J, Farrell B, Suleman S

Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 06;15(6):796-800 Authors: Conklin J, Farrell B, Suleman S

Article GUID: 30241874

Deprescribing guidelines: An international symposium on development, implementation, research and health professional education.

Author(s): Farrell B, Conklin J, Dolovich L, Irving H, Maclure M, McCarthy L, Moriarty F, Pottie K, Raman-Wilms L, Reeve E, Thompson W

Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 06;15(6):780-789 Authors: Farrell B, Conklin J, Dolovich L, Irving H, Maclure M, McCarthy L, Moriarty F, Pottie K, Raman-Wilms L, Reeve E, Thompson W

Article GUID: 30241875

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